>yfw this came on TV
What was Sony thinking, honestly?
>yfw this came on TV
What was Sony thinking, honestly?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Hey, let's make a commercial so fucked no one will ever stop talking about it, even a decade later"
>ha ha WTF did I just watch?? XD *squee* *lols so hard it's random* XD
fuck off, that was the point. They ran a shock campaign for PS2 as well. It was their tactic to be remembered
they've succeeded.
>I'm playin' NUT!
well op did post it
>le shock campaign
Fuck off. They gave some pretentious director free reign and he made these monstrosities. Get Sony's cock out of your throat. It did literally nothing good for their marketing, as evident from them turning tail and dropped these and the squirrels for Kevin Butler.
Bod god it's ...
>bod god
Yeah they did a good job of being remembered as the joke of the games industry up until Microsoft dropped the ball with the Xbox One.
Oh man That shit terrified me when I was 7 all the way back in 2006. How did they think that would sell? as a kid I fucking ducked my head away until the commercial ended never got to see it was for the ps3. I didn't even know there was a ps3 until like 2008
Fuck shock commercials
Look how mad this idiot is. And he will try to convince you it's your fault and you're a sony lover
>In 2006
I hate this place so much.
It was 11 years ago you fucking bitch. Maybe if you had a life you wouldn't be so concerned with the young age group on this site.
hurr why does time pass. Go do something with your life
He is allowed to be here you faggot. People grow up.
>You don't understand, they intentionally made some of the worst marketing strategies in gaming history. It was their plan all along to sell a fraction of Microsoft's consoles.
Is this the ironic shitposting of marketing?
Was this one of the David Lynch commercials Sony paid for?
Just realized how much worse this site has gotten over the years and it's all because of faggots like you who were underage that are all grown up and "allowed" to be here finally.
You guys should go to reddit. Make Sup Forums great again.
Sup Forums has always been shit, don't fool yourself newfag.
>not remembering the good times
Get out.
>Not remembering the gamergate shitstorm, Project Chanology, Video game generals, and all the other shit
Yeah there are good times here and there, but saying current Sup Forums is any better or worse than old Sup Forums is fucking stupid.
>You guys should go to reddit.
>Make Sup Forums great again.