Is anyone else enjoying the battle system with Honey select?
I heard it was based off cards.
Also post cards
Is anyone else enjoying the battle system with Honey select?
I heard it was based off cards.
Also post cards
this is definitely how you do a proper ccg i must say
how difficult is it to install the 4k texture mod?
will it break any mod/cards i have installed already?
Battle system, what the fug? Also why is Marie Rose the most popular character for this game, I swear I must have seen 30 different versions of her and honkers by now.
Pretty good.
saved from the last thread
Do you like catgirls Sup Forums?
>when Sup Forums has better Honey Select threads than /h/
I'm okay with this.
Shes one of the few characters that turned out really well in the game. Also most got purged on the booru except for some shit one.
post more if you have pls
Post amazons and warrior types.
i thought you couldn't play battle unless you had a legal version and lived in japan
lemme get the cards senpai
Isn't it just drag n drop ?
I thought the lighting mod was more involved.
No mods needed, just fully updated game. I make good use of default assets.
Sorry no more catgirls yet. I am working on a loli version though. Here's a catboy to fuck her with, or to just use in fantasy setting scenes
I haven't played Honey Select in months, but I've heard there's a DLC that lets you have threesomes and group sex?
Is that right? Is it out for pirates?
>elves are quick to recognize lewdness
also comes in black
I'll be the dumbass of the thread to ask, but saving this image will get me the character as if I were to save it from the card booru yes?
by fully updated do you mean all dlc?
the one I got came with 3 but it seems there are more dlc that im missing
and teen
stop being retarded
it's not much man but at least let me thank you for sharing
Yes. As long as some retard doesn't save them as jpg they should work just fine. Uploading them to imgur jambles the code though.
MycherryCrush model anyone? Pls god pls
I do
Are there any non-titty monster cards?
Thank you for clearing that up for me. You'll have to excuse me though.
remind me why we use MEGA
this shit is so infuriating
Also Taki.
We got spider girls up and running.
We still need that fire elemental though
Why is there no way to give my loli characters smaller hands?
im pretty sure there's a torrent for all the dlc
Get fucked. That slut is worthless.
Go to the pastebin and download the latest patch for the game. It has some new clothes and shit you'll need.
happy someone recognized that
(This card requires Elin's Ears mod for the fox ears and tails)
Are these pastebins current? Have there been any updates for the game/better mods since January? I remember installing the game in January and never touching it again beyond messing with some sliders for a few minutes.
sbider :DD
I think there was a mod for that, or i seen plenty of people talking about it.
I never really bothered.If the loli is hot enough who cares about pop-eye forearms.
Dumping the little i have.
Just grab the pastebin from the /h/ thread
There is a pastebin for everything on the /h/ general thread. I'll save you a couple clicks:
the one I got came with 3 but I guess it was missing the Party DLC so thats what im trying to get now
>not using megadownloader
When is this shit getting a proper mod manager instead of being a retarded copy/paste dumpjob?
MegaDownloader is kind of a shit program. For some reason it always caused my router to reset after I ran it for about 10 minutes. No idea what that was about.
What are your favorite mods?
Kys impotent penii
Only character I have and the only character I need. Here's my smug brown loli
Does anyone have the Maya and Mia cards I did back when the old database was still alive? I'd love to take another look at them, I remember getting into an argument with someone over her being too gray and in retrospect I admit she definitely needed more color.
Anyway here's my Franziska card.
For meifags.
It isn't the arms I have trouble with. WideSlider mod fixes that.
Her hands are a fucking monstrosity.
(Disregard shit face/hair. Just a testing, unfinished character.)
>tfw you started your 3D modeling art carreer from this game
fapping and entertainment truly is the greatest motivator
I don't get it, does the game engine recognize exact models and specifications using the character cards you make?
It's literally fucking magic.
It embeds character data on these PNGs, hence image hosting sites that compress images breaking them.
Because in /h/ it consists of weebs who thinks that it's literal cucking to share their cards. How people are this petty I can never understand.
Cool. I was wondering why these were shared all the time. That's clever.
Good marketing too.
>titcow elves
You don't always know you want something until you see it.
>battle system
Did they finally patch in real gameplay?
It's great but as usual Illusion don't take full advantage of it. You should see how far AA2 modders have taken cards, you have some cards which have every mod dependancy needed loaded into the card itself so you don't have to go hunting for mods, it automagically extracts whatever mod you don't have and need for that card.
Don't forget to feed your cat girls plenty of milk! or else they get angry!
That's fucking nuts. Is that possible as well with HS?
can someone link me to a Party DLC download that doesnt use MEGA or require me to create an account on some foreign site?
Get with the times gramps it no longer works
Of course, but HS seems to have EXTREMELY POOR support-mods. Things like AA2Install or AAUnlimited aren't anywhere to be found. I haven't even found a single mod manager to HS that allows you to not turn your install folders into a huge clusterfuck.
From an organizational point of view, HS is far too monolithic in design compared to how modular AA2 can be.
My condolences
??? I just downloaded 20 gigs in the past hour with it
Google "Punched cards" and learn a bit of history in the process
It's trying to reset your IP you mongoloid.
Elder tier:
Vampire girls
Succubus (lolis)
Succubus (like the ones in witcher)
High tier:
Dark elves
Reg lolis
Elf lolis
Middle tier:
Warrior girls
Brute types(muscle girls)
Ork girls
Short stacks
Low tier:
Magician girls
Default girls
Facebook/reddit tier:
High elf girls
Regular elf girls
sample girl
Girls molded after celebrities
Regular succubus.
Girls who try to look like anime girls and end up looking like goblins.
Shit tier:
your waifu
>vampire girls
My eternal fetish, never enough of it anywhere though.
She's pure though, not for lewds
This game is great in VR, but there is no way to post screenshots...
>Feeding cats milk
Most cats are lactose intolerant
I agree, they are the perfect combination of dangerous and beautiful.
To be honest, I tried to suss out the issue with pretty much every tool at my disposal. I just said fuck it and wrote it off as being a janky piece of shit, which is already is.
>vampire girls
das it mane
Great now shes gonna smell.
How do you get the semen to look so nice? Are you using 4k and that's why it looks so nice?
I have an entire room dedicated to them.
There was actually a facial cum mod, I can't find it but if you look in the pastepin and bother people in /h/ they can probably post it.
It is definitely worth looking into if you like seeing your whores covered in cum.