What's the worst game you've ever played and why

What's the worst game you've ever played and why

For me it's halo 5

It was shitty, but Halo 4 was much worse. I was actually able to get a little bit of enjoyment from 5. They improved the guns, and enemies a lot.

superman 64, because of everything


Skylanders Giants for 3DS
I fell through the ground in a top down game. How do you even do that?

Crysis 2 left me SEETHING

whoops, forgot my reason. though it's probably self-evident if you play it
it's a fucking non-game. you walk into one specific type of enemy until you get enough exp, then you walk into the next kind of enemy. if you lose health you walk over some grass. that's it. maybe it gets better later but I doubt it. the worst part is that the artstyle was pretty well done and cute

dota 2 by a large margin

t. 3.1k hours 5.2k mmr

You didn't explain why

The War Z