Magic source code leak

If you could magically get your hands on and leak the source code to any game released what would it be?

Since we know HL3/EP3 is well and truly dead and will never be released it can't be that.

Other urls found in this thread:

Prey 2

stalker 2

Gotham By Gaslight

Victoria II

So the modding community can go super fucking hard and do whatever they want to create limitless content without janky workarounds.

World of Warcraft

please delete this post, i'm still mad

Darkspore, so I can release an offline patch and private server code.

That would be pretty huge

t. liquor pro

The size doesn't matter when you'd magically get it

you know it

If I got the source code for Silent Hills I would definitly send it back to Konami out of spite for Kojima and his insufferable fanbase.

I mean the event itself and repercussions would be huge, not just the file size.

Xenogears so someone could actually finish it.

>no one mentioning mgsv

PDS so someone can actually release it.

Ultima X.

Sonic Mania

can someone spoonfeed a brainlet here about code? why can we not extract/view the source code for games that are out?

>German Empire Annexed Austria after WWI but not Hungary and for some reason released Croatia
I mean i'm sure they're puppet states but this alt history is dumb

>Futatsugi stated that Sega had lost the game's source code, which would make porting the game difficult
There is no justice in the world.

call of duty 2 so i could make a version of the game where the Germans win.

Because it's compiled

You're now thinking about the guy who had a prototype xbox but wiped the drive.

blizzard would get btfo

Why would they annex either of those? Austrians are germans who speak german.

Not to mention illegal for any non-free software even if we found a way to reverse engineer it.

Developers deal with a "pretty" version of the code. Variables and functions are named sensibly (the number of hitpoints you have could be called NUM_HITPOINTS for instance), and things are complicated but possible to understand. But when it's "compiled" it gets turned into machine code, extremely terse, dense, nothing is named sensibly anymore (because obviously the computer doesn't care), and the whole thing becomes a giant soup.

They give you the soup, which your computer runs just fine and keep the source code, the thing which is actually understandable by humans. It's theoretically possible (and very illegal) to turn that soup back into source code, but in almost all cases it's practically impossible.

Once compiled from the source code into machine code it's very difficult to read and understand.

The modding community would produce content for eternity


thanks. far right looks like guitar hero

Dota 2, so someone can create a mod that becomes more popular than the regular game.

>It's theoretically possible to turn that soup back into source code
No it isn't.

what is a decompiler

You're not getting the actual source code.

just theory, because otherwise companies would just "decompile" games from another successful devs, and copy things for their own.

Depending on the original compiler and language you can get back things that are readable

With the machine code, you have all the values and how they all interact with each other. That's all you strictly need to create a program that behaves identically.

So when you're programming you typically program in human-readable programming languages like C, C++, C#, or Java. Right off the bat those aren't readable by the computer, they have to be 'compiled' by a compiler which turns all that code into something that can be read by the computer (binary). When it does this there's a HUGE loss of unnecessary data that the computer doesn't need but the human writing the code would need like function names, variable names, object names. Something like "int killCount = 0" (an integer by the name killCount that's initially set to 0) when compiled would lose the name 'killCount', and so if you were to look through memory if you were trying to figure out how the program worked you wouldn't even know what that is specifically without testing.

Now decompilers do exist, but you'd lose program readability and it wouldn't really even be the original source because the compiler does lots of optimization when its converting it down to binary / asm.

At least we have the source code and dev sdk for the stalker engine

>That's all you strictly need to create a program that behaves identically.
That's not the source code though. It will be mangled for something the size of AAA game.

Breath of The Wild desu, could you imagine the modding potential?

>It's theoretically possible (and very illegal) to turn that soup back into source code
are there famous examples where people did that?

Guild wars 1

It won't be identical (in the aspects that get compiled away), but you could turn it into something readable and understandable with enough effort and testing.

Even ignoring things like names different source code will compile to the same binary so there's no way to decompile them both correctly.

oldschool runescape so I could play my ironman offline and never deal with anyone ever again

I don't think HTML is ever compiled into machine code, user.

it's not, but the result is the same.

Yeah, I tried to make that point but I'm like super distracted rn and its hard for me to get all my thoughts down in a short and concise post.

City of Heroes/Villains. It'd be fun to play it again.

but how will you get a gf?

Elder scrolls games.

With enough autism it's possible to make a certain amount of sense out of machine code. I remember reading about people who would decompile really old games for the fun of it. Another example would be the creators of Sonic Mania, who familiarized themselves with the classic games' machine code so they could more authentically maintain the original feel.

Also, Project M is a brawl mod that makes extensive use of injecting new machine code into the vanilla game's executable.

If you play offline how are you going to find someone to trim your armor for free?

This. The real Prey 2.

Anything that helps emulator developers get a good insight into how a console works is the correct choice for source code.

If not the Panzer Dragoon games, it would be NiGHTS.

Once you complete hardcore ironman you can trim your own armour

Warhammer TW or Attila.

I just want fucking map editing back or for Warhammer to let you import models. If maps could be edited then we'd see all these mods that are just treading water wasting time because few people are interested in custom battles only.

>LOTR mod for Warham
>Attila having India and Afghanistan featured so you can have white huns
>Settlements switched up so you can have a proper medieval experience.
>Tamriel TW on Warhammer's engine
>Hyboria TW
>If the inevitable Westeros one is creative with armor designs and doesn't just ape the tv series' shittiness barring the lannisters whose oddly samurai-y armor looks kinda neat and has COLOR AND ISN'T JUST LEATHER

>Cathay and Ind in warhammer TW too.
>More provinces in areas that are sparse with it.
>Some audacious fuckers trying to do another Eurasia TW and this time with no hardcoded # of factions or units it's entirely viable. Could have China to Poland for a Mongol TW mod.

Why did I make myself sad.

Am I the only one that remembers this being released by GameTap? There are articles about how they had it running in the studio, but I'm almost positive I actually played it on the service.

Some shitty Berenstain bears shit

Attila Total War and Crusader Kings 2 so I can finally make my Frankenstein's monster that offloads battle data from Crusader Kings and loads it into Total War

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition