>tfw starting college next week
Will I still have time to play vidya Sup Forums?
Tfw starting college next week
fuck off underage
yes unless you need a part time job
You will have more time, depending how smart you are.
>You'll be gaming 12 hours a day once you start skipping
What is your major?
>tfw communications major
>tfw easy coursework, tons of free time to play games and smoke weed 420 blaze it
>tfw graduate with worthless degree, can't find job, and have lots of debt
probably, just gotta keep up with your classes
>go to college
>get depressed because introvert and everyone seems to know how to socialize except you
>start failing classes and skipping
>life blows for years
>work two years at dead end warehouse job at Fastenal
>send out resumes and land 30$ an hour job parts counter at cummins engines
I lucked out
Also college blows you will hate it.
depends on your major.