The last time you died in a video game is the way you're going to die tomorrow user, how fucked are you?
You died
>Battlefield 1
fucking shot in the back
cool I guess
Let an Uruk kill me to become a Captain in Shadow of Mordor
Guess its like I gave up, not too far from what I might have done anyway...
>blown up by a giant ship that looks like a Piranah
I'm okay with that
>gta 4
Killed by police in a fast food restaurant
>killed by an electric dragon
fuck that guy
Killed underwater, being smashed to death by emerald weapon. Nice
>Alien: Isolation
>Running up to guys with guns and getting shot point blank because I remember that I don't like stealth
I always knew it'd be hubris
Does Jebediah's death in KSP count?
It was due to being eaten by a physics glitch upon touching down on Kerbin.
>headshot by a qt blu chick
there's worse ways to go i suppose