>that awesome girl you met in elementary school who also liked video games, used to invite you over to her house to play video games, and defended you from the bullies
>grow up
>she has made her inner circle of friends and you know you don't belong there
>nobody defends you from this cold world anymore
That awesome girl you met in elementary school who also liked video games...
My elementary school friends either became gangsters or moved away
>that awesome girl at vidya from primary school estranged from me as we went to different schools
>years later look her up and she went to arts school
Dodged a bullet there
>that awesome girl you met in elementary school who also liked video games, used to invite you over to her house to play video games, and defended you from the bullies
>grow up
>she's pregnant
even in elementary school I had no friends
>go through school
>never meet a girl who plays vidya
Why is life nothing but suffering? And I mean really play vidya, like being able to beat me at melee back then.
>that awesome girl you met in elementary school who also liked video games, used to invite you over to her house to play video games
Aaaaand she moved away the next year. Sometimes I think about her, maybe we could've become close. Of course I don't know where she is now, this all happened when we were like 7. Her name was Samantha and I don't remember her last name.
Wait, was she tall for a girl and had some respiratory problems?
Nah. Also I'm 100% sure it's not the same person because I've lived in Mexico my whole life, so it's very unlikely that you're also a Mexishit.
>tfw under socialization
>never had anyone invite me over for video games
>no social engagements ever
>can't function well in public due to being a shut in during my crucial developmental stage where it is imperative that I acquire real world experience
>still live at home and play video games by myself and wouldn't even know how to start a conversation because I have no grasp on the real world and current social mannerism, events, or trends, and every morsel of information about the real world I get is from Sup Forums so all I would be able to do is make cruel jokes about how shitty and plebian people's tastes are and I know I would come off as a massive prick so here I remain with just my vidya and anime