Finally get attuned for Onyxia

>Finally get attuned for Onyxia
>After a couple BRD runs, and then slow walking through Stormwind to go confront Lady Prestor
>Make the long ass run to Duskwallow Marsh
>Wiping constantly from deep breaths and whelps
>Get her down to the 3rd phase
>Based dwarf priests start handing out fear wards on the tank
>Get her down to 10%
>Bad fear, many whelps incoming
>Half the raid dies
>Shes only at 8%
>Down to me (off tank warrior doing dps) maybe 5 other casters, and two healers
>Shes down to 5%
>More of us are dying
>Based paladin uses lay on hands
>Pally, Main Tank and I dps her down
>Vent errupts in cheers

Nothing in modern WoW will ever come close to that.



is this a shitty copypasta or same retarded vanilla fag?

>based warlock
>easily taking on >3 mobs while leveling
>watching everyone else struggling to fight yellow mobs
>soloing group quests
>fear kiting any bitch-ass rogue who tried to gank me

Now its structured so you dont even need to manage mana anymore and world pvp is dead
Activision was a mistake

Warlocks were nearly impossible to kill in Vanilla/BC unless you were an undead rogue or warrior

>It's a nostalgia fag shits on modern WoW thread

Hi moderators


If you're seriously defending modern WoW consider suicidie

>Legion the best the game has been
>Should consider suicide
I'm having fun though.

No you are not. You are only having an illusion of fun. Kys.

>this thread again.
pls stahp
your pasta is trash and the feeling you describe can be achieved by raiding with garbage tier scrubs who almost wipe at 1%

>Take a nearly perfect steak
>Digest it over ten years
>End result is a lump of shit
>Newcomer to the restaurant eats the shit

Well, I never got to experience the steak in its prime, but this is the best I'VE ever experienced it, so this must be the best!


>Food analogy

>A fucking food analogy

Good on you

wow he posted it again

That is incredibly tame.

odd groups go the left, even groups to the right

Except the whole part where Vanilla was garbage compared to anything that came after it.
Patch 5.2 masterraace

Wow classic was way more fun and social. It felt way better taking a boss down. If you don't like classic hang yourselves

Lord of the Rings Online during Shadows of Angmar/Mines of Moria was better in every way in terms of community and people enjoying the game and having fun with the players around them than Vanilla/TBC.

If I liked classic at the time do I have to hang myself? Or will cutting my wrists a teensie bit suffice?

Yeah nope. And definitely not enough for 2% on a 40 man with three people.