The last game you played is now a lego game

The last game you played is now a lego game

Anyone else find it odd that literally any genre of game would make for a better Lego game than the shit they're producing?

An rts where you design your own buildings/units/maps?

A proper RPG, roguelikes, dungeon crawlers.

Diddy Kong Racing style game.

City builders.....I mean fuck, the potential is enormous and all we get is shitty film tie in platformers and weak ass Minecraft clones.

Hell Minecraft should have been the game Lego made 20 years ago back when they were making an effort to try new vidya.

Also, playing Dorf Fort, would play the fuck out of a Lego version.

How do we go from this... this?

Lego Souls 3

>lego counterstrike

I've actually done this with a real ugly version of Inferno and Infinity's rules scaled down. It was ok.

its not surprising at all considering you're not doing anything to change it

Original UCS Millennium Falcon > new shit.

The original generic set is hilariously bad though, gotta reuse those awesome UFO pieces somewhere though.

Yeah, I can see that.