30 dollar game that reeks of twitchbait and memery

>30 dollar game that reeks of twitchbait and memery
>try it out at a friend's house
>it's actually pretty damn fun
>pick it up and play with friends
>it's even more fun

have you ever changed your mind about a game that you were absolutely convinced you weren't going to like?

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I don't let Sup Forums hive mind shitposting influence my opinions on games.

i dont have any friends

I got memed in to buying Overwatch the exact same method. I'm not falling for your shit again.

I don't either, but yknow. Sometimes certain things don't really call to me enough to even try them out.

No because I'm not retarded and have never once been wrong in my life.

What memery did it reek of?
Is "meme game" a new buzzword of Sup Forums doesn't like something?
I'm glad you changed your mind op

"meme game" is a Sup Forums termn that indicates a game that it's incredibly fun when played with friends
Friends are a thing that most Sup Forumsirgins will never have because they'll forever be chained by their shitty opinion and view on life

>Is "meme game" a new buzzword of Sup Forums doesn't like something?

Yes, and anything remotely popular.

It's been this way for ages.

You know how there are certain games that you're absolutely sure to find the current hottest memes in it either to get a cheap laugh out of your playerbase or to attract new players? Kinda like BL2 or Guacamelee.

I guess I was half-expecting finding stickers, patches or pieces of clothing that are made with the intent of making nods to different parts of internet or popular culture, but I was wrong (so far, at least).

What he really means is he thought it was flavor of the month

Overwatch was clearly shit from the begining, if there are waifu fags involved.
Rest assure, it's a mediocre game.
Sup Forums hates this game because
>muh let's players
>muh streamers
>muh meme game
You can just ignore the unsavory community. Twitch fags day YouTube fags are the memers.
The game itself is fine, it's pretty fucking normal.

why is this game hiding behind early access?
what is it afraid of?

also how are your game enhancements coming along? speedhack and esp working great, undetected!

Fuck me I forgot mentioning cringy voice lines. Have you ever played Awesomenauts, user? That game is chockful of cringy, outdated memes in its dialogue.

Horizon for me. I jumped on the hate train here, but my bf was playing it and it actually looked fun. I ended up loving it.

heroes of the storm
Everyone called it shit, it was actually fun once i played it. A good moba alternative if you dont have the time or the skills for other mobas.

I get that. But I've played PUBG, the only "memes" come from kids playing or streamers. And you don't have to interact with them.
The game world and gameplay itself has never shown to be forced humor in any way.
You don't pick up a gun and have your character go "epic loot get" the gameplay is pretty reserved so I was confused on what "reeks" of memory in it.
But now I'm thinking op meant streamers and shit.
I don't think it's fair to judge a game poorly because fags like it though

This. Unironically the best assfaggot and the best blizzard game.

Sup Forums doesn't have friends.

So no one can relate.


No and this is a shill thread. PUBG is rancid dogshit.

>Sup Forums hive mind
Fucking imbecile

nah pubg is shit worse

>tfw fell for the AMD meme
>game crashes to desktop every 5 minutes


>have never been wrong in my life
user repeat after me: My last digit at the end of my post will be 5.

You mean 8.

>PUBG is shilled nonstop on Sup Forums
>Try it out
>Remember I don't have friends
>Play alone
>It's not fun
>Refund it

Didn't you fags tell me Overwatch was going to die months ago?
Why're you still talking about it and why does it still have players. Someone better do something about that.

Cpu or gpu?
I play it with a gtx 980 and oc'd fx 8350 and ive only had a single crash

GPU, shitloads of AMD users are reporting this shit and a couple of Nvidia users as well.

>you fags
>Sup Forums is one person
ok Brahman, ow is boring but I don't think it'll die soon.
The game suffers from being too controlled, every match plays the same and it gets grating 30 hours in, it's not suited for hardcore gamers.
Casuals only play a few hours a week, 2-3 at most, so they never really notice how same-y it gets, or their friends play it so they do.
Its still fun with friends like everything, I'm just grateful my friends would rather play pubg, osrs, titanfall 2 and rb6 siege, I think that out of those you could only compare titanf2 to ow but it's heaps better.


>you fags
>meaning multiple
>reading comprehension
Is rb6 siege worth purchasing, it looked boring but might be worth a reconsider

what do you guys think of c9.shroud who's currently riding this wave and getting thousands of subscribers everyday and thousands in donations everyday playing this?

I woke up from a nightmare once where I bought and played this game, so that might be some kind of warning

it's really good, if you like tactical shooters, would recommend if you don't mind getting a little bit frustrated with new mechanics to start.

>99% of art assets are from the asset store, including characters and guns
>they're working on new maps instead
>theyre doing work on the characters that would be wasted if they decided to make their own models

s-surely they're going to develop the game to have its own cohesive artstyle instead of random shit from the asset store, r-right?

isn't it just a fps?

I like Borderlands 2.
I even laugh at the memey humor. Mostly because I'm playing with friends.

I honestly didn't notice, but it'd be great for it to develop its own artstyle on top of how good the game is


t. Nier dickriders

so why dont they release it and then update it?

oh because they dont want to be held accountable for an unfinished game (i bet you think faulty hit detection is "fun") and abuse early access like so many shitty devs and will perpetuate a broken system

left for dead 2

Huh, you learn something new every day
Still though, even though I didnt notice thats definitely a valid complaint
What artstyle would it benefit from the most? I can see it working as a borderlands/fortnite kinda thing but it'd be way too radical a change at this point, I guess.


I disagree, I think the current realistic artstyle is just fine, more variety in buildings and ruins would be good, but I think that maps is more important as it adds important variety to the gameplay.

It... It's not like I don't have any friends or anything like that... BAKA!

marketer thread

I went into pubg expecting to hate it because I've hated every early access open-world crafting survival sim I've ever gone near but I've had a lot of fun with this one. Kinda boring to play alone but it's better with friends than most games are.

I think the current artstyle is fine, but it needs to be consistent, plus there's tons of other issues that would be solved if they made their own assets.

>inconsistent textures, some are blurrier than others
>probably way less texture re-use, with tons of buildings using their own specific ones, wasting vram
>assets probably unoptimized, they often use thousands of polygons on something irrelevant
>no LODs
>Nothing is to the player's scale, is a midget in first person view

Don't, my friend had to buy it for me.
Its basically DayZ without zombies and shit hit detection. It'd be an alright game if they ever fix its glaring issues and stopped pandering to twitch shitheads.
But ya know
>early access

Totally organic not viral marketers at all.
So what service did they contract you through?
Microworkers? Mechanical Turk? Pinyon? Or do you just do it for free?