Want to make big bucks off youtube videos

>want to make big bucks off youtube videos
>look at game grumps and other geek youtube channels
>THE most childish humor that I could never in a 100 years get my head around
>videos are ALWAYS about cartoony games like Mario or Splatoon
Is autism actually a requirement to get youtube famous?

No, charisma is. You are shit out of luck.

>want to make big bucks off youtube videos
I think your autism requirement is already fully met

If you start a channel for making money, I don't think you'll get far. From what I see, you need:

1. A personality
2. A love for the hobby as a primary driving force
3. Audience analysis and production skills/capability
4. to git gud faggot

>acting like an idiot to attract dumb viewers

If all it takes is acting like an idiot, why haven't you done it yet?

I don't have """charisma"""

You have a better chance of making a 7 figure salary off a bachelor's than making Game Grumps bucks.

You're an autist. You don't get how human interaction works.

>not being one of the many Starcraft 2 streamers


It's aimed at children.

Also, youtube is dead now. You've got to stream for 16 hours a day on twitch if you want to make money out of playing video games.

>streaming shitty content
>clickbait thumbnails and titles

You have to appeal to the largest group of people, most people are fucking retarded.

Also good luck with that shit, youtube is saturated.

He could try vidme and twitch....

You missed the boat, it's really difficulty to get big on youtube now. At least for gaming channels.

I don't know why anyone would want to be a twitch streamer, it's literally more work than just getting a real job.

people still stream and play that game?

You need childish humor because children don't use adblock.

>more work
>sitting in a chair and talking and playing a game for 5 or 6 hours a night is more work
What the fuck

Alright, try doing just that and see how much you get paid.

Its not even youtube where you have to at least do some editing and putting stuff together.

With Twitch, you just have to play the game.