Finally decide to get a switch

>Finally decide to get a switch
>Go to friendly neighborhood Gamestop
>Wait in line as niggers get madden 2017 for xbox and spics get Fifa 2017 for ps
>Finally my turn
>"How can I help you?"
>"Do you have any Nintendo Switches in stock?"
>"Yeah last one!"
>"Great I'll take it and Fate/Extella"
>"Oh sorry sir you have to buy at least $400 worth of Nintendo products including the switch otherwise we can't sell it to you."
>"What why?"
>"Nintendo wants to crack down on people buying consoles just to resell"
>Nope that's retarded. I guess I'm not getting a switch.
Where do these slant eyed gooks get off not letting me buy a product unless I get other stuff with it? Wouldn't it make more sense to make more fucking switches so scalper-bought merch is worthless?
I'd say FUCKING GAMESTOP, but Nintendo is being downright retarded.

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not sure why you would make this up

it wouldn't even make a good thread

>GameStop force people to buy bundles
>"Fucking Nintendo!"

Oh so you're retarded?

It just happened to me today. I'd happily be playing Extella and shitposting in /vg/ if not for that. I had to wait this long because the shit was out of stock and then they pull this shit.
Besides, we've had plenty of FUCKING GAMESTOP and console war threads, newfag.

Don't believe GameStop's lies. They're literally just ripping people off because they know it will sell anyway.

In my city in Florida, Target has a bunch of Switchs, no doubt stocking up for the holidays.

Then don't go to fucking gamesstop you mong.

Are you for fucking real? The ones making you buy more stuff are Gamestop. It's true that may disincentive scalpers from scalping the thing, but Gamestop are the ones forcing you to buy more stuff.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to make more fucking switches
They've had problems producing it. They even publicly apologized and said they're on it.

>not just buying that shit and returning what you don't want to a different Gamestop
Are you retarded?

>we've had plenty of FUCKING GAMESTOP and console war threads
I'm not saying we haven't had those threads before. Just saying that your thread sucks. FUCKING GAMESTOP threads usually includes a joke or something.