I didn't understand ending of this game

i didn't understand ending of this game.

everything turns out fine except Noctis dies, Iggy remains blind and never recovers, oh actually luna freya is still dead, I guess she marries noct in the afterlife? anyway satan dies and whatever is left over is fine. the end

why do the kings stab noctis and kill him but not really, because he just then gets up and jumps into a vortex to kill ardyn a second time and then Lunafreya appears and disappears and then the party appears and disappears and then Ardyn doesn't even fight back and just dies along with Noctis?

Which movie or anime do I need to watch to have this messy string of nonsensical events cleared up?

as a reward for their efforts in thwarting a rogue god and a guy who was basically that universe's version of Chaos, the king and his bride-to-be are welcomed into basically Valhalla, since the previous afterlife for kings, the big crystal, had been converted into a weapon (the fully charged ring, all the previous kings doing their knights of round attack)

we then get a scene that is ambivalently both a flashback and post-mortem, of the king expressing to his retainers how much he values them

None. The game explains what happens just fine.

the one where Hajime Tabata is abducted and squeeeeeenix is forced to put a competent human being in charge of finishing the story. bonus spoiler: this could be anyone. here I'll do it: Noctis kills satan and time reverts back to a point before satan fucks everything up. holy fuck youre welcome square. also, it becomes possible to explore post time skip fuck'd-world via a dimensional rift which suddenly appears when you load your game clear save file

Fuck that. Forced happy endings are garbage.

Pretty much Arydn gets what he wants, ending the Lucis bloodline along side finally dying. Noctis death stops the world of ruin.

>muh speculation
love you bros thanks for helping me fucking end it all

>implying the game was ever deep enough for this shit to seem forced

I don't care about how deep the game was or was not. Setting up for a sacrifice ending and then rolling back time is shitty writing and it was a bad idea. The game not having a great story doesn't make your idea any better. Shit like that is why Tidus came back in x-2 ruining the ending of X.

The kings(Lucii) stabbed Noctis, giving him their power, but costing him his life shortly after. He then goes into the afterlife, where Ardyn is being reincarnated, and kills him. Ardyn was okay with dying after living so much time in misery, he just wanted revenge on the Lucii.Luna and Noctis are reunited in the afterlife, they're still dead. The campfire scene happened before returning to Insomnia.

I figured out all of this shit by playing the fucking game.

>rolling back the sacrifice setup isnt subverting expectations
>mentioning ffx-2 outside of fap material
the game was about bro-ing down and getting married but oops fuck she's dead oh now Im dead too all it did was rollio back from there

>Noctis kills satan and time reverts back to a point before satan fucks everything up.

So, what, Noctis is going to go thousands of years in the past before the Astral War started?

What was the point of Noctis getting the blessing of titan and stuff?
Also sad ending because he ends up with Luna instead of better girls Iris or Areane.

Everiown is kill the ent

To be honest I expected him to get out of it with some cop out garbage. I was really happy they killed him. Made the campfire scene actually meaningful.

nah its just a timeline where we ignore the implications of all that other shit that doesnt involve our bros, fampai. who gives a fuck

I think the whole point of gaining the trust of the summons was to defeat Ifrit since he did some betrayal shit.


glad you enjoyed it. fun game but the time skip shit needed a little more

I agree. I thought I was going to get to fuck around in the world of ruin before going to the final boss. The only time a FF has disappointed me more is the airship in FFX being a fucking menu.

holy shit I completely forgot about that. yes, menu-ship was fucking awful

>The kings(Lucii) stabbed Noctis, giving him their power
>but costing him his life shortly after
> He then goes into the afterlife, where Ardyn is being reincarnated, and kills him
>Ardyn was okay with dying after living so much time in misery, he just wanted revenge on the Lucii
>Luna and Noctis are reunited in the afterlife, they're still dead.

So, typical jrpg shenanigans happening within short bursts of each other, giving you no time to process anything that's happening, hoping that you'll fill in the gaps with your own head cannon or just head on over to the wiki where they give an equally convoluted explanation that still requires head cannons to fill the gaps. Great. Well, at least you have the autistic capabilities to grasp complete nonsense on the fly! Something something "shoehorned afterlife romance" something something "but wait we're dead but kinda not really haha it's ambiguous XP"

>The campfire scene happened before returning to Insomnia.
This is the only part I understood. Because, you know, it's not retarded JRPG drivel bombarding you in quick bursts.

I'm going to sound like a dick here, but JRPGs really aren't that complicated for the most part. People just mash through dialogue and don't pay attention.

Agree. usually its "look what *game's naughty deity of choice* did! fuck guys we gotta get him! I know it seems impossiburu but muh friendship etc"

Yeah, people call everything convoluted even when it's fairly straight forward.

That's because the ending is garbage, easily the worst FF game yet

I can almost guarantee you haven't actually played the whole series to be making that claim.

Well considering how XV is a rushed game of many a rewrites, cut sequences, outside material lore, and just in general, a jrpg about ancient evils, light-darkness drivel and evil magic science experiments gone wrong, you can't blame someone for one, not giving a shit, or two giving a shit but not understanding fuck all.

I guess I'll just wait until the Ultimania's out...oh wait that's only available in Japan. Guess I'll just watch Kingsglaive over and over again.

It's not just this game though. People consider FF a convoluted series in general, but it's really not for the most part.

Nah, the games aren't that hard to follow, especially if you take time to interact with NPCs and the world. I even think XIII's story is pretty simple, once you have the terminology down. XIII-2, LR, and XV are the only ones that just made me eye roll and not waste time trying to make sense of whatever the fuck was going on. XV especially with it's poor story telling. XIII-2 with it's time travel nonsense. And LR because even the writers didn't fucking care.

The 13 series has too much of its story in datalogs and shit. I didn't really find 15 that confusing. What in particular did you take issue with.

>What in particular did you take issue with.

The game in general really. I already said the ending, like even the OP says. I've actually watched the ending countless times.ever since I finished it way back in December. None of what that other user said are even communicated to you especially with how incredibly quick the ending moves. Again, the game is spread out across multiple different pieces of media, it's rushed, poorly paced, poorly told, suffers from multiple rewrite syndrome; obviously I didn't fucking expect clear, concise explanations at all in this game and I didn't get any. Figures. It's funny because even the party appears in the afterlife for a brief second, but Tabata confirmed at Gamescom that the party did not die at the end. So there's just a ton of plot holes, like Loqi dying when you first meet him (with his mech blowing up) and then coming back somehow in another mission. Even shit that "makes sense" and I'll use that lightly, are fucking stupid like the entire train sequence, Ardyn's subdue powers which conveniently knock out the party at the end. Whatever. I don't even take this game seriously, as a main-line FF game and as an attempt to tell a compelling story.

I don't really consider the mech thing a plot hole. People have been surviving absurd shit in FF since before most of Sup Forums was born. I thought the ending was fairly straight forward. I assumed the afterlife thing was a shot of the future, it didn't really occur to me that the bros died there, they'd survived worse.

If I really felt like spending 15 or so minutes I could likely find you equally or more ridiculous shit from most of the rest of the series.

You forgot the horrible plot that X-2 had, right? For my part I just pretend it doesnt exist, even though the game itself had a good combat system.

What makes XV currently even worse is, that the recently added bestiary has lore written entries, which contradicts/doesn't fit to the loose plot points the game itself has.


Ifrit for instance. In the game it's explained that he was never really fond of humankind, oppose to the other astrals and betrayed them in the following by casting a meteor onto the world.(which is held back by Titan in Cauthess) In the bestiary, he built up the ancient civilization of Solheim and went insane due to the illness of the starscourge. Oh, and he was a lover once to Shiva as well, according to it.

How is that contradictory?

The Bestiary in general feels cheap. The descriptions are so short and generic and it's so goddamn finicky. The framerate also tanks when trying to view models. and worst of all, they won't let you rotate Shiva's model. The only model in the entire bestiary that you can't rotate or play around with, because she's too lewd. Can't wait for the nude mods to release to btfo all those cucks.

>most people just mash through dialogue
I don't know why I frequent a website where people didn't grow up with an atari as their first system

What the fuck are you getting so worked up over this stupid shit

I don't want to be that guy, but even final fantasy VIII's scans had better information in them

Shiva is not the only one, there are other lewd creatures that can't be rotated. What a dick move.

Dunno. I have no actual proof for my statement other than people frequently asking questions that are blatantly answered in game across any number of games.

The Nioh alpha was really eye opening to me for how many people don't read controls, don't try out button, don't read tutorial text, etc.

It's obvious.

Wiki says part of the reason he hates humans is because of how that civilization of his behaved.

>you will never be so slow you can't keep up with a fucking final fantasy game

feels great man

Were you planning to masturbate to a video game, user?

Well the story was rushed and a lot of neat shit was cut from the VS XIII Days, but hey at least the music was really good in my opinion.

>ywn be so slow that you can't keep up with a simple thread

good feeling indeed

No offense to Shimomura, but they really should have just double tasked Hamauzu with both World of Final Fantasy AND Final Fantasy XV.

He is a good stand and-in for nobuo uematsu, or rather a placement since he's not too deep in the game anymore. Where as she really does just belong with kingdom hearts.

The battle theme you'll be hearing for most of the game after a few hours is rubbish

I prefer Hamauzu to Shimomura but I enjoyed the OST to 15 so I'm torn.

The worst part about 15s soundtrack was there were only 2 good driving songs

You're talking to someone whose beaten the game, while I'll admit some of the songs get super stale after a while, songs like Omnis Lacrima and Nox Divina I feel don't get old at all. Somnus I felt was very good at setting the feel when you're on the Main Menu, and hell I'll be honest I actually really enjoy Ardyn's theme. That being said, I felt that some of the Demon battle music was just kind of eh for what it should of been, it was supposed to.give you a feeling of panic and it just kinda felt cheesy to me.

>People have been surviving absurd shit in FF since before most of Sup Forums was born.

Good old FF4.

Yep. Fall damage appears to not exist in FF. In FF5 you get thrown across a continent and survive just fine.

You outright get murdered in 3

I've heard people argue Kuja kills you with Ultima as well.

Man some "people" think Soul Cage is Necron.

That's silly.