i didn't understand ending of this game.
I didn't understand ending of this game
everything turns out fine except Noctis dies, Iggy remains blind and never recovers, oh actually luna freya is still dead, I guess she marries noct in the afterlife? anyway satan dies and whatever is left over is fine. the end
why do the kings stab noctis and kill him but not really, because he just then gets up and jumps into a vortex to kill ardyn a second time and then Lunafreya appears and disappears and then the party appears and disappears and then Ardyn doesn't even fight back and just dies along with Noctis?
Which movie or anime do I need to watch to have this messy string of nonsensical events cleared up?
as a reward for their efforts in thwarting a rogue god and a guy who was basically that universe's version of Chaos, the king and his bride-to-be are welcomed into basically Valhalla, since the previous afterlife for kings, the big crystal, had been converted into a weapon (the fully charged ring, all the previous kings doing their knights of round attack)
we then get a scene that is ambivalently both a flashback and post-mortem, of the king expressing to his retainers how much he values them
None. The game explains what happens just fine.
the one where Hajime Tabata is abducted and squeeeeeenix is forced to put a competent human being in charge of finishing the story. bonus spoiler: this could be anyone. here I'll do it: Noctis kills satan and time reverts back to a point before satan fucks everything up. holy fuck youre welcome square. also, it becomes possible to explore post time skip fuck'd-world via a dimensional rift which suddenly appears when you load your game clear save file
Fuck that. Forced happy endings are garbage.
Pretty much Arydn gets what he wants, ending the Lucis bloodline along side finally dying. Noctis death stops the world of ruin.
>muh speculation
love you bros thanks for helping me fucking end it all
>implying the game was ever deep enough for this shit to seem forced