What the fuck this game is fucking ridicoulous

What the fuck this game is fucking ridicoulous
>assassination mission
>due to dark event my squad is not concealed
>can't take anyone above sergeant rank
>find general and officer with purifier
>skulljack officer because campaign objective
>codex appears
>it can clone itself and teleport
>make a few steps
>fucking berserker queen
>with only sergeants
>have to kill general in 3 turns, codex, and berserker
>general is in difficult to reach position
>fail, whole squad dies. in it templar, and skirmisher that are very difficult to replace at this point
holy fucking shit maybe they should also get me fucking chosen there

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The DLC with the legendary enemies is fucking garbage.

Knowing when to cut your losses and run away/let a mission go is part of learning to play the game. Game gets a lot easier as you level up and get your OP equipment and abilities.

That's XCOM baby!

fuck me
i cant even pass the second mission with out losing everybody in xcom 2

I thought I disabled it but enemies still appear, also wtf they can make an action during my turn?

stop talking about the dlc it's not out on consoles yet ;_;

It just disables the mission.

I assume you have no mods on the console. Sucks.

Yeah, no mods, but I like the vanilla experiences of both Enemy Within and vanilla XCOM 2. The only actual mods I'd want are the cosmetic ones, for variety's sake, I don't like most mods that modify the gameplay. Still, would play it on PC for smoother framerate if I could.