Playing first case of DR1

>playing first case of DR1
>figure out right off the bat what the numbers on the wall were supposed to be
>3 seconds later Makoto pretty much spoonfeeds you the answer anyway

Is the entire game like this?

No. I'm not saying that you won't find it easy but it definitely isn't as bad as the first case.

No. The first case is obviously just trying to make sure that you get the sort of things you're supposed to be looking for in the off chance that you're retarded.

It's a little bit easier to figure the cases out than Phoenix Wright imo (at least as far as how to convey your logic), but it only holds your hand through the first case.

1. The numbers were a much more clever thing in Japanese since "LEON" is written in Roman characters. It's much easier than intended by the developers, and it wouldn't work to have changed the numbers to anything else because then that would have broken continuity hard with several other things that you likely don't know about yet.

2. It's just the tutorial. Everything else is way more of a ride.

Anyway OP please abandon your own thread so that no one spoils you.

What, by saying Junko is the mastermind who faked her own death with her twin sister or something?

PW doesn't hold a candle to

the only case in DR 1 that isn't super obvious is the second one

The first cases of SDR2 and NDRV3 are much harder to figure out the culprit.

It was super fucking obvious.

People will say that it's just the tutorial case, but the entire game is actually like that. The first case actually would've been the best case in the game if not for the blood numbers because they put no effort into the murder methods and setups in later cases compared to that case even. There's more focus on characters arguing with each other about their emotions and shit instead.


>Ultimate Gambler
>can't bluff for shit


Cases are easier, but its much harder to meta-game the killer unlike phoenix wright. DG is more of "who did it?" and PW being "how did he do it?"

You did pre-order her, didn't you user?

11037 is obvious on the west since we use the Latin alphabet daily and have already experienced playing around with numbers as letters to write 5318008 in our calculators since we were little. To japs, the 11037 message would probably end the strange play on words that they usually have.

>end UP AS the strange play on words that they usually have
Missed a couple words there


Meh, I've already been spoiled on V3, so I already know stuff like Junko being the mastermind.

>that hip

Yes. It's easy to solve every case before you even get to the trial.

I never get why people do cunty shit like this. I don't understand what kind of asshole enjoys spoiling a story for someone. You gain nothing out of doing it, you're literally just enjoying taking happiness away form someone. that in itself, at it's core, is an unforgivable act of cuntishness. anyone who spoils something for someone on purpose and is happy from doing this act is a genuinely horrible person based on their principles and I sincerely believe they deserve death. Completely unironically.

I swear Sup Forums is tried to ruin dr v3 for as much people as possible.

and it's just a dickhead thing to do. It's literally "haha I enjoy making other people sad and sapping joy from their lives. I get nothing out of this except the inherent pleasure in doing an evil activity"

All need to go to the gulag desu


FUCK lmao I thought that I was the only one who had trouble with these