NEET general thread
NEET general thread
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>be neet
>feel tired all the time and never feel like playing anything
>just lay in bed all day
get on anti-depresssants. it works and helps you play vidiya and do stuff
I am currently out of the neet zone
Got my first job about a month ago
How long have you been a NEET for, anons?
I've been unemployed for over two years now.
How the fuck are you still alive?
Not video games, fuck off back to /r9k/ you jobless fucks.
Not him, but my current AD meds aren't doing shit
I'm planning on going to a psychiatrist soon, partly to get GOOD advice on meds, but also to get diagnosed for being on the spectrum
Gotta get those sweet autismbux now that im unemployed, especially with these medication and psych costs
I was NEET for a good 2-3 years, then I held a crappy job for a year, but I quit a few months ago becuase I needed a minor surgery that would have interrupted my work too much
Also they were under paying me through a legal loophole, so it was kinda crappy work anyway
To stay on topic to the board though, I haven't been playing a lot lately, but I'm nearly finished with inFamous 1, and I want to get back into Persona 3 but i was stuck at a difficult mid boss
i've been a NEET for 4 years.
I do live on my own though.
I am slowly going crazy because of social isolation and i'm running out of games i want to play.
I will be one starting tomorrow
can you help me get on neetbux