I know you guys make fun of the *teleports behind you* character a lot. But what game actually allows you to do that...

I know you guys make fun of the *teleports behind you* character a lot. But what game actually allows you to do that? I can't think of any. Cutscenes don't count.

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Dragon's dogma. the assassin class has a parry skill that's basically this
the skill is literally called "Easy kill"

DBZ games


Shinobi, and Nightshade too

Maybe 95% of the Dragon ball games.

Fightin games?

Wakfu. The Sram class has a 4-action, 1-move cost ability where you vanish into shadows and pop up behind the target, then kick them.
You can then spend another 3 action points to cut them with a scythe.
Super fun.

Skyrim with the Shadow Warrior perk.


>Spell that can turn you into the hulk
>Can combine it with Assassin's rush and teleport behind foes.
>You also have magic clones of your sword hitting people multiple times as well

Fable was silly in a really great way.

Shadows of Mordor

Naruto ultimate ninja storm games

Titan Fall 2. Ronin can phase-shift behind you.

Did this actually happen in this show


Zone of the Enders 2 with Zero Shift.

I know Soul Calibur 5 some characters snap in and out of existence, didn't see any teleporting shenanigans.

I'm pretty sure Mortal Kombat has characters come out of the ground or drop out of the air though.

fucking loved the combat in that, too bad it's such a grindy mess

No, but it was close. Characters are getting worse by the day and the public is actually eating this shit up.

WoW, Rogue's Shadowstep

World of Warcraft has subtlety spec rogues that use "shadowstep" to teleport behind the target.

this fucking comic is a masterpiece

lotta dragonball games have a dedicated system for it

Something about the way Foetal Alcohol Syndrome killed Bill Wilson annoyed me, it just looked so god damn smug, like the actor is just going I'M HERE, GET USED TO IT FUCK OFF HATERZZZ

>mfwv I get into a "teleport behind you" contest with Kid Buu

Maisie is cute don't bully please

she is a big gal

Legacy Of Goku 3

There is a pasta that portraits my anger pretty well:
>Lady Shansha, your wordy betray you. You admit you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter? How can you accuse me with words that make you a criminal?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>You wish to kill me right here? What about guest right? You cannot murder a guest you took into your home, you'd be no better than your family's killers.
>You don't care about that? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. At least have the decency to burn my body.
>Or just leave my corpse on the floor. I shuppoze that would be acceptable as well.


It's a pretty awful scene.

There used to be a game called Dofus Arena, same creators and same combat style. You just made your team and fought other people, no grind, everyone had a set amount of gold(kamas). It was great.

DMC3 especial edition playing as Vergil.

Bran probably proved his powers to them beforehand. But the rest of it happened too quickly. Imagine if we did it like that in real life.
>"The court sentence you to death"
>some fucking dude comes running with a dagger and slices the accused's throat in the middle of the courtroom

In Warframe, Ash's 4 is literally *teleports behind u*

Also ninjas in FFXIV can teleport anywhere they like within 20 meters or so, so you can teleport behind someone if you wanna

Path of Exiles Flicker Strike

Dota 2's Riki

I hope the book makes it less retarded

E.Y.E has *teleports inside you*


Shit we used to do it like that. I've got some old family photos that shows a courthouse and they have the noose right there in the courtroom. They didn't fuck around.



what's the point of this stance

It's the "I'm acting!" stance

>that "fighting"

Cringed hard, is this what normalfags think sword-fighting looks like?

Nah, its the lesser form of "we put Mark from accounting in charge of fight choreography" stance.

If you have ever played warframe, build ash, and using his 4 even once, its probably the best example of this edgy meme except a thousand times worse.

>Daenerys is a stubborn bitch who ALWAYS gets her way
>Cersei is a stubborn bitch who ALWAYS gets her way
>Sansa's entire character development of her turning into a stubborn bitch who ALWAYS gets her way.

It's getting old. Imagine if Jon Snow survived litterly everything he's been through just because he bitch faced hard enough

It's training tho

Isn't that the girl with the rich daddy who paid :uc Besson to let her ruin Valerian?

no that's cara

Deadpool and Vergil in MvC3

I like book Cersei cause her arc is her being an idiot who thinks shes a master player of the game and ends up orchestrating her own downfall because shes so petty

>Find target
>Shoot his personal guard
>He comes at me with a sword
>Time stomp
>Go behind him
>Backstab him
I love this series

>Time stomp
I meant time stop, but time stomp sounds awesome too. Maybe Death of the Outsider will have it.

Brans actor confirmed there was a cut scene where he told the sisters about little fingers shit

The ultimate ninja storm games. Literally whoever tps first loses the fight

That's obvious but he also would've had to prove it to he courtroom. Littlefinger's already stood accused for most of that shit and got off free.

if season 7 was ten episodes it could have been so much better

idk what the fuck they were thinking cutting it short

Yea true. To be honest, I didnt expect anything from this season and the next anyway

naruto games literally have a command that makes the character teleports behind the enemy

I don't like how GoT has become all about chosen ones with magic power easily beating normal people.

It's become frozen throne/WOTLK. Now the crown prince is riding up north to fight the undead too.

the earlier series was much more grounded, supernatural events were huge deals and even main characters felt as vulnerable as everyone else

now it's a good vs evil battle of magical heroes with invincible plot armor

>fucking coldsteel

Most recent example that comes to mind is TW3 when playing as Ciri

You'll notice that the show has drifted further from the books over its lifetime. First season was the closest to the book, and the best one. From there, it just started drifting apart. Now they have no book to go on, and they're fucking shit writers so this is what we get.

The show died with Tywin.

Zeratul in HotS




Netcode and servers a shit

How accurate is this shit to the books anyway?

It's actually really good if you're planning to riposte with your face.

Is CIA an important character in this?

Islands of Wakfu, which was an arcade game on the 360.

It literally had a "teleport behind enemy" button

Not anymore, he's dead.

If you want to see what medieval sword fighting looked like, plat the Warden in For Honor, it's actually pretty close, right down to bashing people with the pommel of your sword.

*it was an illusion*

He's probably the most important character in terms of influencing the plot and one of the most clever well-written characters.

Season 6 and 7 ruin this, however.

But can i end my opponent rightly?

god I loved for honor for a week, then I completely abandoned it, heard they nerfed warden hard

He was supposed to be in charge there. It was HIS TURN

MGSV has the Hand of Jehuty which doesn't teleport you behind them, but teleports their behind to you.

Should I bother watching the latest season? I didn't really enjoy the last couple of seasons that much.

This season was a complete disaster.
The final episode literally rendered all previous ones in the season pointless.
The fucking Winterfell scene was pure BS, but the God Damned ""dragon pit conference"" just takes the fucking cake.

>Bran probably proved his powers to them
Them meaning the lords of the north and the lords of the vale? How would he go on about it?

they ran out of characters to make plots and intrigues. Time wrap up the series as a bootleg LOTR

If you didn't like season 6, you won't like season 7.

I always thought Littlefinger and Varys were going to be big players right until the end but littlefinger's fucking dead and varys is just another one of daenerys' lackeys

Not at all anymore, you can almost literally see the dip in quality as soon as the showrunners started writing their own shit



I think the thief in DA2 had a skill that literally worked that way. Not worth.

The finishers were pretty cool
Ubis netcode killed it for me. Not being able to reliably counter because you weren't the host was fucking balls.

>plays a terrible character in got
>plays a terrible character in dr who
why does it keep happening?

big spoilers but this is basically what the show has become

>Hand of Jehuty
gimmie ZoE 3 you hacks

But that's the thing. Varys has always been a targaryen lackey. Thats his whole big deal

Symphony of the Night had a spell like that didn't it?