Have you ever been too anxious to play a videogame?

Have you ever been too anxious to play a videogame?

Yes. And exposure doesn't always help. For some things, it makes it worse.

I remember being diamond 3 in rocket league and being too scared to go for champion. I started getting drunk before playing every day for about 2 weeks before finally getting it

When I was trying to climb the ladder in Starcraft 2 I had that feeling. I wanted to play and be good but losing was just so brutal.

Yes it's why I don't play multiplayer games anymore.

Every RTS ever.

Found the beta males.

I'm a good healer but I still get queue anxiety.
You never know what your group will end up like.

If prolonged exposure (and you actually making an effort go socialize) doesn't help then you need therapy

Same. Mostly because my childhood was playing multiplayer games with my older brothers. If I fucked up, they'd scream at me, beat the shit out of me, and pawn the game (even if it was a birthday gift to me)


Left 4 Dead 2
>get it because friend has it
>join his game
>everybody's yelling
>might have heard something directed at me
>close game
>3 minutes on record

Jesus fucking Christ. So pathetic. The fuck is wrong with you cucks?

I did feel pretty anxious on ranked ladder on dota 2, not anymore tho. I've abandoned the bullshit e-sports games and now I'm actually enjoying myself playing videogames.

STOP being mean to me


Said like a true victim

>Being too scared to play with people you will never see and it some cases never hear

I'm never comfortable when I'm around more than a handful of people I know well. Large groups petrify me. I have extreme social anxiety.

Yes. I like fighting games, but I can't play on-line. I get very scared of making mistakes and always losing, to the point I imagine the other guy must be laughing at me. I doesn't happen with friends, but I don't have friends so it's not a solution.

>make a minor mistake
>team starts raging at you for being incompetent
I'M SORRY ;_____;
>you have been dismissed from the group

Just fuck with people if they don't stop bitching about you. They're already mad, just make them madder


years of consuming estrogen is turning these young men into women.

Assfaggots is also the key genre for these numales, it is basically communism in game form.

Sometimes I get too anxious to play single-player games, especially when they're considered to be really good games.

I have to psych myself up to play a new game, because my attention span and alertness have gone to utter shit and I don't want to feel "meh" about a game that I know I could truly enjoy if I was in the right mindset. I end up stressing over this shit a lot more than I should.

No because I dont suck at games.

I had ladder anxiety in Starcraft 2

Multiplayer games just feel pointless to play, because it's never really multiplayer it's just me playing solo with other people.

Yes, and I actually am very good at the game I'm too anxious to play.
I'm pretty much ranked #1 in my country in every meaningful stat and yet I am full of anxiety whenever I decide to play. I am so afraid of queueing up for a game.
I can't stand it.
I've already quit three games because the anxiety made me unable to play them anymore, I keep finding new games to be good at and quitting them because my anxiety is killing me every time.

I am so afraid to underperform I can't enjoy playing anymore.

>no one giving shit to op for a fucking reddit screencap

This place truly has gone to shit

>playing stressful multiplayer
>not playing comfy multiplayer and comfy singleplayer

When I looked up gaming anxiety that was one of the first things that came up on google.

yes, I was always too anxious to raid properly in WoW

the only times I did was a few guild raids in tbc but didn't use a mic, same in wrath but in mop I did raid with a mic but dropped out of the team because I always got so anxious on raid day and wanted to bail every time

Nice conspiracy theory. Any proof? I agree with you that these people are pussies, just not about the estrogen.

>Being scared from a guy who you will never meet irl
>Not just muting them
>Not acting like an alpha male who just says deal with it
Lmao neck yourselves cyber-bullying """""""""""victims"""""""""'". You faggots are giving yourselves a reason to get hated. Man the fuck up or look away from the screen.

Yes, but not for this reason. Just too anxious about real life shit to be able to sit still and play.

Holy shit - too anxious to go outside and interact with outhers, now too anxious to play online games and interact with others.

We need a holocaust for people who are exactly this.

The train to the camp would be hell enough