Cutscene shows your character

>Cutscene shows your character
>they're doing all this cool shit
>running on walls
>surfboarding enemies
>cutting up enemies and going full NOTHING PERSONNEL KID
>cutscene ends
>gameplay begins
>you can't do anything like that at all

Why is this still a fucking thing?

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Because it's hard to program such things in a way that plays fun alongside looking cool. The closest you can really get are things like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising, and those are still forced to put extremely cool things in QTEs (If you're lucky) or cutscenes.

What is Metal Gear Rising?
Anyway, because developers are lazy and/or have no money. Smaller teams might be more passionate and want to do something unique and fun, but don't have the budget, whereas bigger teams working for huge publishers have the pressure of getting a decent return on investment, and trust their skill in marketing, I.E. baiting, than they do in developing something new that you've never seen/played before.

It's easier to make a movie than program a game, or rather digital artists have more experience.

I'd rather see things I can actually do and have them done in interesting ways rather than seeing bullshit in cutscenes though.

still full of it, except they put them into QTEs instead

>still full of it, except they put them into QTEs instead
I know, I hated that game for it. Nothing made me saltier than watching Raiden during the prologue chasing after the train, and then playing the game.

I mean I might have ignored it if the level design wasn't so fucking nonexistent and the game wasn't a complete 180 from Kojimbo's reveal, but what are you gonna do? One-hit-wonder team on no budget, I blame myself for expecting anything more.
Thanks, Konami.

I hope Dragon's Dogma II, if it ever exists, lets you do whacky shit if you play as the Dex classes. Using the Sprint skill or whatever and double jumping was already funner than any Sonic game in recent history, now just needs more platformin.

dude just play saints row 3 or 4, you can straight up run into a person and press the unarmed attack button as you do, and you get to pull off what you're craving

>Halo 5 intro
>holy fuck Spartans are actually Spartans
>jumping really high, moving at superhuman speed, mowing down enemies
>here we go
>get into the game
>it's the same shit as every other Halo but you can do a tiny dodge boost on a cooldown

Literally every single cutscene in the Devil May Cry series

But you can literally do pretty much everything that cutscene showed except the blocking with the arm thing.

Shut up you dumb asshole