Games that end abruptly in what should literally be the halfway point of the game should be illegal. What the fuck is this shit, are these nigger developers serious? Especially when Human Revolution was a complete package and turned out even better than expected in terms of story and overall pacing.
I haven't been this fucking angry at a video game in a very long time, and I didn't even pay for this one.
Alexander Carter
side missions were really good though.
Oliver Hill
>you will never find out what happens to Jensen
Jordan Torres
This shit meme where games are incomplete and most of the story is told in shit tier books or cartoons or movies or dlc or episodes needs to end. I'm so fucking mad when games pull this shit. Games should be self contained, and if they want to pull a trilogy out of their ass, the entries in the trilogy shouldn't end abruptly or have tv show like cliffhangers.
Adrian Johnson
ok so how is this game unfinished? the immediately plot is resolved, the terrorists are stopped
Luke Cooper
I feel like playing a good stealth game.
Should I just pretend this game never existed and play the definitive edition of HR instead?
Nathaniel Peterson
blame the publishers not the developers, squeenx has really dropped the ball this time. Until I see another iteration in the series I'm not buying anything from them again.
Josiah Sanchez
MD is a continuation and you can enjoy yourself quite a lot if you forgive the main story a bit since the side content and main story missions themselves are brilliant. but play HR first if you haven't.