It will be a million in 2 days

it will be a million in 2 days

you mad blizzard and valve fanbois?

this game is becoming like a worldwive event, its amazing, and its a pretty fucking good game too

>find gun
>shoot gun
>get kill
how is it fun again?

Will it beat Halo 3's 1.1 million concurrent players?

It's mostly throw away Chinese accounts inflating the player numbers. So no, not really.

Nobody cares

i got bored of it very quickly. I genuinely do not care, sorry user

Awesome, take out the multi boxers that want to farm for those expensive crates!

We have to stop them Sup Forumsros!

More like

>find gun
>shoot gun
>bullet goes through enemy
>does not hit them
>get killed

unfortunate you cant see the fun in that, i feel sorry for you

Bought this game. Having tons of fun with friends.


this game is good for like ten hours of playtime if you have friends. anything more is autistic as fuck

also the bigger it gets, the slower development will become. if you were hoping for more than 3 maps (including the ONE you have) by the end of next year you are probably an idiot.

it's not a bad game, it's really just a heatsink for all the streamers/players who are fed up with CS:GO and ARMA

>pinnacle of everything wrong with modern games amassed into one shitty one
>it's a best-seller
why am I not surprised

>from 160k to 25k
naw man its going down

>you mad blizzard and valve fanbois?
It's a steam game, you're a valve fanboy faggot.

just distributed through steam
it wasnt made by volvo

This is the peak. They can only go so far without console support. It will go downhill from here

Ok, you still have steam installed you fucking moron.
Valve still gets a cut of every single cent that game makes.

and? it still isnt cs going nor dota

So? Valve gets a cut from sales

atleast 30%-45% are bots who are farming crates to sell them on the steam marketplace