Get a job

>get a job
>actually feel like playing vidya again
Why haven't you done this yet, Sup Forums?

because working fucking sucks

>be wageslave
>video games no longer fill the void
>decide to go back to college and better myself
>video games are fun again
>working 30+ hrs a week while being a full-time student
>no time to play vidya

I did the same and now I'm suicidal thanks OP

Spotted the shitter with zero prospects

I know it sounds like an excuse but I just don't care anymore. I was in the army for years and after getting out I came to the slow realization my country was flooded with foreigners, my politicians were all unironic SJWs and the vast majority of the population will literally bend over backwards to please, the local somali imam. Whats the point. No one else cares. No one else bothers. Whats the fucking point.

i already have a job of game developer.

have fun working a soul-sucking dead-end job u wage cuck

Cowgirls are becoming a lot more prominent in my mind as of late.

actually it's me

Sorry hear Sven. I guess all good things must come to an end