Boot up OoT after finishing BotW

>boot up OoT after finishing BotW
>overworld is nothing but hallways (Zora River, Death Mountail trail, Forest etc)
>hyrule field is an empty circle
>there's literally NOTHING, no monsters, no danger, in Hyrule Field as grown Link

Wow, it aged like shit, didn't it?

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Is this nigga serious? You just went from playing a 2017 GOTY contender to something made 15 fucking years ago.

Can brainlets seriously not weigh these two things separately?

ALttP overworld isn't just hallways and there's danger everywhere.
I don't know what you're trying to prove here.
That game aged well. OoT didn't.

yet shitters on this board say you're retarded if you think games age

fuck you all

>game made this year is more advanced than a game made 19 years ago

You don't say

better story, better cutscenes, dungeons weren't 20 minutes long, and the game wasn't a shitty Skyrim ripoff.

Yep, still at least 100x better than POS like botw and twink Link for faggots.

>LttP aged well
Nostalgia goggles at its very worst.
LttP is floaty, endless arcade-shooter tier trash.

I hope you arent OP because this is again a shitty opinion because ALttP aged like shit as well.
Or in other words its another guy who watched egoraptor Sequelitis video with all the logical fallacies and now believe OoT isnt THAT good and AlttP is a timeless masterpiece

>LttP is floaty
Is this supposed to mean anything?

>Not loving both to death

>the game wasn't a shitty Skyrim ripoff.
You've not even played Skyrim, have you?