Lets enjoy it befrore it's dead. Keep it vidya. OC's encouraged.
Chad vs Virgin
best meme of 2017
>virgin saving thumbnails
Stop posting this trash, it's not funny.
Or at the very least change the fucking names. It's uninspired.
6 images. Bump the thread, fucking Sup Forumsirgins.
Haha i saw these on facebook too my dudes! Epic! Epic for the win! Laugh reacts only!
KYM filenames? oh dear
Can someone spoon me on Chad meme
not really new just randomly visit but whatever
Fucking kill yourselves normalfag trash.
Harry Potter's looking ripped.
>virgin doesn't know what a thumbnail is
Wipe your glasses, virgin.
>virgin can't enjoy a meme because of a very minor detail
>cries and complains instead of contributing
This meme has gone too far.
goddamn i would kill for another syphon filter game
shit id kill for a remake
why would he contribute? are you dumb?
This one is my favourite
Only funny one.
itt: nothing but newfags
end this meme already, no one but redditors are starting these threads and OP is an obvious faggot from there or some other shitty site
we need a virgin sora and chad riku
Abandon this meme.
I'm still waiting for Virgin Raiden vs Chad Senator
Dumb virgins like you only contribute cringe.
cool meme about common thing we sometimes do (virgin) juxtaposed with the outlandish, flamboyant hyperbole of chad
meme has been ran into the ground and people have lost its original intent and purpose
all praise
Its over.
doesn't matter
the meme is in the transition between Sup Forums, lelddit and normies all liking it as you you can see this OP (leldditor) came here to collect some more to go back and post it somewhere on lelddit.
in a few more week Sup Forums will slowly stop posting it and lelddit will take over reposting the same shit Sup Forums has posted or start making extremely poor versions of the meme to the point where the meme loses its original meaning.
Thanks for the cringe.
>posting this on your Facebook
*cringes internally*
virgin reminds me of the FOOKIN LEGEND of gin alley
Can someone link video in question?
>took this from a Sup Forums thread
Why do people do this?
brainlet can't handle the facts
Already exists
I enjoy these even though I look exactly like the virgin, anyone else share this feel?
prove to me that i'm wrong.
ill wait
same exact shit happen to the pacha posting
this was made by a dumbfuck trumpkin 100%
What a whacky and epic new meme xD
anyone have a not shit size of this
That "virgin" is Vladamir Putin in disguise. Chad doesn't stand a chance.
>post a bunch of random drivel from his ass
>calls it facts
I cringed twice. You're so butt blasted. Take some action, prontissimo.
>post 10 blank template threads in a row
>hay guize spam shitty edits of this!
Forcing memes has always been unfunny cancer, it's not funny just because you keep pointing at it and saying its funny.
I deliberately entered an offtopic thread to report it and refer you to reddit.com
Virgin >>> Chad
It gets worse
And worse
>the virgin memer
haha such a well thought out reply
which retard reformatted this?
I'd rather stay a virgin than becoming a Chad.
>on Sup Forums
i am correct
>supposed to be the most obnoxius way
AMEN Sup Forumsrother, thats the foundation of this meme which has already crumbled, have some Original chads for your troubbles
How did you get this photo of me?
the point of the meme is that the virgin is a description of mundane insecurities whereas the Chad is the exact opposite in every respect which makes him obnoxious
>posting pictures of me
bad form sir
ay you forgot he killed his raperer, which is something mosts raperees dont even consider doing
Reverse image search is your friend.
I've long come to the conclusion that normie "memers" never developed pattern recognition and we get shit like and
It's funny because the cheat is actually"motherlode"
This is the correct usage of the Chad meme. Bravo, Skyrim shitposter.
Oh boy does it get worse
Why don't you post any proofs yourself, instead of your buttblasted paranoid drivel about leddit.
I'll wait.
Let people have fun in the meantime. You're making everyone here uncomfortable. just like in real life lol
Isn't nearly as ridiculous as it should be.
QUICK!! post actually somewhat humerous chads. im sure one of you has the time to make these vidya related
A lot of these are probably from facebook, i.e formatted for mobile devices
Welcome to the phoneposter club
Who cares? Post more funny pictures XD
The meme, is dead.
time to leave this meme alone
Have you not played MGR or something?
Also stop taking memes seriously.
lots of proofs have been posted
>it's a fucking thumbnail thread
fuck off and get cancer -- oh wait you already have cancer.
so just fuck off
Hope this isn't already posted!
Why does nobody ever understand how the Chad meme works?
I have
if you rooted for armstrong you're a dumbshit
>why are you posting proof
because the thread already did it for me
thank you
I'd be fine with normalfags reposting my memes on plebbit or whatever but some cunt has removed half the funny shit and replaced it with his own garbage lines. Not cool
>chad warden
Wait a minute...
One of the few good ones
Because this place is filled with normies
never thought I'd see boro on here
This makes me laugh but how did this meme came to be?