When will this game be released?
When will this game be released?
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This actually looked pretty good before they added vomit yellow everywhere
I thought the DLCs would be just that. I was wrong. So very wrong.
Why did darksouls 3 look worse than bloodborne, even on the pc?
Bloodborne was a labor of love, DS3 was Miyazaki thinking "hey, I liked making BB and I learned a lot of new tricks from us working on it, so maybe I won't mind making DS3" then realizing a quarter way in that he still didn't want to work on it.
Sony fanboy goggles
Rushed development
It's a shame really, if dark souls 3 had one more year it could have been an all time great.
That being said, I think 3 does some things better than bloodborne, discounting the DLC in the argument, the overall quality of the bosses and the pvp being two of those things.
Dark Souls 3 alpha thread?
Huh... didn't know there were actual shots of the cut bonfire ritual mechanic.
l0ng dancer