Why do people like this game so much? Literally everything it did, other games have done better...

Why do people like this game so much? Literally everything it did, other games have done better. It's even a downgrade from the first game. Is it because pcbros literally have no other game to cling on to?

what a shit board

Not an argument

>Literally everything it did, other games have done better.
Want to give some examples?

The antlion prison level was great.
I do agree that the massive amount of "run away from helicopter shooting at you" levels were retarded though.

it was decent back then, but it aged really badly.

>Literally everything it did, other games have done better.
Obviously, you idiot. It set the standard for those other games.

Did you forget what year it came out?

>What are personal preferences?
>Judging how a FPS made from 2004 holds up compared to games it set the standard for

Faggots like you need to learn how to not post so much. The only valid complaint is how it's a downgrade from it's predecessor.

this game was and is fantastic

But it doesn't deserve the title of anything outside of being a shit meme game or even the best game according to the mouthbreathing retards here. I've heard zero arguments on how """""good""""" it is outside of muh atmosphere or """""story"""""

People might just prefer the game play, environment, and story while you don't. It's called "personal preference." Just because you think it's a bad game doesn't mean it's factually bad.

There's a lot of arguments you can make against HL2, but "other games did it better" isn't one of them. X being superior to Y does not mean Y is bad.

Because immersion

Most of us played it relatively early in our adult lives, when it was cutting edge in regards to graphics and Half Life was a relevant franchise that really pushed the envelope on environment and gameplay.

Also fuck you, the atmosphere and story are fine. Some of my happiest vidya moments are basic HL2/HL2DM back when Source was trendy.

Which game did dystopian scripted FPS better?

deus ex?

Reddit likes it so it's shit.

the only reason the half life games are good because of their engines
especially hl2, which could run on anything at the time thanks to its levels being corridors with almost as much fog as a silent hill game

It ran terrible on release though, no small part thanks to steam being absolute shit back then.

I hate everything that's ever been discussed on Reddit.

Games age really fucking bad when it's built around showcasing a new engine.

So that confirms it. Half Life 2 was always shit.

It's nostalgia.
People upvotedf this game purely out of nostalgia.

Literally the same thread every day OP. just slightly changing the opening post doesn't mean people don't see you doing this over and over.

Eh, I disagree, there is of course a bit of nostalgia involved, but HL as a series is still decent enough, even by today's standards, they are nothing amazing, but for being over a decade old, they are still good enough. And at release they did pretty awesome shit for their respective times.

Nothing amazing, but still worth a play for anyone who really likes shooters.

it's fun