Post games Sonykeks will never ever play

Post games Sonykeks will never ever play

Friendly reminder that PC + switch is the true masterrace



post games that PC + 9yearolds will never play


> switch
>not PC + PS4 + 3DS

Besides, divinity OS2 and Bannerlord are definately getting a PS4 release, and they're pretty much the only ones I really care about in the list. So even if I only had a PS4 I wouldn't be mad.

>Quake Champions
Arent those games dead now?
>Crackdown 3
>Scam Citizen
loling at ur post and ur life

>Bothering with anything other than a PC
I already have a hard time finishing all the games I want to finish. Why would I add more to that equation?


>if it doesn't have 10 million players online at all times it's dead
Why are all console gamers such bandwagoning plebs?