You must choose one.
You must choose one
Red, easily.
>gregor is a winning team joinfag
get out
probably blue
sister_fister too strong
Red, because MLP names are usually really good players trolling, at least in my experience.
If i could not change server andm after that, if i cannot press "random", i'll choose right.
On left we have wannabesmokeweeder, one able to play ponyfag, some wannabeelite little boy, premade of 2 retards and some unknown dude.
On right side we got some random retards, some pretending to be girl but starting to play good at some point dude, some pretending to be brazilian dude, one playing not bad not good animefag, one completely random factor furry and one more completely random factor. Chances are on the right side.
Blue is actually superior. The red team has a guest which means a dc will result in 2. Also Furry>brony even though both are complete trash. I'd like to believe epicftw and Mister Lister would be older ironic meme neckbeards who would be total bros and probably funny.
I know it's not what you're looking for, but I leave the fuck out of that game.
Who's gregor?
>implying nu members remember gaia
Red team. Fluttershy is going to be really, really good. She's all we need.
Blue team, they have a brazilian so we can abuse his ping to our advantage
>both shit
Red clearly wins.
>leave server
Shit I need a witcher to solve this, can't tell which eveil is bigger.
Red team is full of tryhards who may be toxic but would at least be decent. Blue team doesnt even seem like they play games.
I'm sick so my senses might be dull but I'm sure this is Barneyboy bait
Blue and it's not even close. I have literally never in my life seen a single split-screener be worth half his weight in shit and I will take all the gurl gaymurs, memers, underage anime faggots, BRs and Furfags that come with staying away from that god damn garbage. Plus, Mister Lister should be at least vaguely competent.
it's two people using the same name for meme purposes
Red, I like the color more :D
MLP faggots are strangely good at vydia from my experience
By far the strangest team I have ever played with on Killing Floor.
The blue team is severely crippled by a girl/trap attention whore.
Besides the shit taste in goat (squiggly purple is best), red team is vastly superior.
>squiggly purple is best
Red team. Gregor could take them all on alone. God has no idea what he got himself into.
Red team so that when we win JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS can use his god-tier vidya skills to turn all of blue team into trannies.
Red, they definitely have a better sense of humour
>he doesn't know that havoc is gregor's hardest counter
how new?
Gregor clicks random team, he just happens to join yours by chance if you win.
There's a Brazilian on blue team
Red team
>Intoxicated dude
>Autist with too much time on his hand
>18 year old that needs to grow the fuck up now and get a real user name
>2 Redditors
>Sup Forums user
Blue team
>Redditor but worse
>Girl, will distract her team and play like shit
>Laggy monkey eater that can't play
>Gaiafag in 2017
>Especially degenerate faggot with too much time on his hand
>Sup Forums user
Red team, easiest decision of my life.
Red team:
stoner - most stoners I've played games with were insanely unco-ordinated and therefore useless (-1)
brony - probably run away screaming from the enemy (-1)
wannabe MLG fag - generally unskilled players, might be able to pull his weight (+1)
Memester and +1 - mute them and you should be good, 50% chance the other player is garbo (+1) (-1)
underage - guaranteed useless (-1)
Blue Team:
underage (-1)
girl gamer with girly name - only there for attention probably doesn't know the base mechanics (-1)
foreign - probably only has one game and is good on it, mute them and you good (+1)
animefag - again, mute and you good (+1)
furfag - as above (+1)
le funny naem - 50/50 it's underage, if not (+1)
Red team has two potentially good players, Blue team has three or four potentially good players.
Thank you Optical Man
>underage - guaranteed useless (-1)
He's 17-18, most tournament level people are around that old.
Guilty, been doing it since tribes.
>underage - guaranteed useless (-1)
What planet are you living on?
Leave the Match. It's That Simple.
God and a gook are in blue team. Is that even a question?
>gregor vs. havoc
>God vs TheGuy
>Anonymous vs Anonymous(1)
>Rest are dead weight
This is the fight of the millennium. I would pay to watch this.
Team Blue all the way. Mister Lister has never disappointed me.
I would just spectate and see the most hype thing ever.
Instalocked Red. I'm not fucking with John "The Testosterone Taker" Numbers
gregor vs havoc
korean vs the two memers
anonymous vs anonymous(1)
>You must choose one.
Well shit. Blue then.
>all these red team faggots eating like a noob in the year 2017
Basing on skill alone, not on who may be more fun to play with:
>[420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx vs [9GAG]epicftw9001
[420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx is wins. He is probably better, a teenager, may have some edge driving him to tryhard.
>[MLP]Fluttershy vs [[MLP]Jordan99 vs [BR]huaehuae
There's a chance the Brazillian could be better as they are often poor as fuck and will play only one game all day long. However he could just as well be pure shit, and he will definitely have shitty connection. I'll give this one a tie.
>[RDT]lederpydude vs [GAIA]Narutokitsune
[GAIA]Narutokitsune wins. He is probably better. Weebs tend to have a nothin personnel thing going on with them, which implies at least some attempt of skill.
>[RDT]lederpydude(1) vs [FUR]Wolfpack92
[FUR]Wolfpack92 easily. lederpydude(1) has probably never even played the game, being a (1) friend-fag.
>RipRoarinBoogerpenis vs Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister
Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister wins. His long name implies a big ego, which may be supported by a long playing-time and attempts at being good to troll his opponents.
Red Team no question
Blue team has a br with 200-300 ping.
Red team not only has boogerpenis, but also an mlg kid, who, although they wildly overestimate their skill at the game, will at least try to play to win, which puts them head and shoulders over most of blue team.
What if Lister's sister told him she'd let him do more to her if they win? (she's probably the girl of the team)
Red because Fluttershy is best pony.
Blue, not even a fucking question. Sister Fister's gonna clean house and carry the team to victory.
Red Team
Weed enhances your gaming abilities so he might be useful.
Obviously a great player trolling.
That guy is 18 by now. Maybe this would make me cringe if it was 5 years ago, but not now.
>[RDT]lederpydude and [RDT]lederpydude](1)
Oh, the classic duo! There is no way I can lose with these two lads by my side. The enemy will be confused when they see two enemies with apparently the same name.
This is our ace. We don't put him in the field unless absolutely necessary. He's the only one able to stop Sister Fister.
Blue Team
Cancer. Browses 9gag, thrash by default.
A Brazilian. He might keep the female player in check through constant sexual harassment. This gives them a short chance to survive.
A weeb that likes Naruto. These are always shit players.
That guy is 25, but he's a furry, so that throws him back to being 11. Shit player.
This guy alone could win the game for red team. I can't put it with words but human mind can't comprehend Mr. Sister Fister's ability.
In the end it'll come down to the great fight between Booger Penis and Sister Fister.
I am with RipRoaringBoogerpenis, like a true conservative I stick with my fellow reds, blue is probably liberal and cucked too
Libs don:t support pedophilia. They banned it after all.
everyone knows that Red team is for Chad Thundercocks and big dick alphas
>[A female player. This team is doomed to fail from the very start.
Yeah, probably should add another BR to balance it out, because red is too stronk.
i'd rather play with a furfag than a brony
>[RDT]lederpydude and [RDT]lederpydude](1)
>any good whatsoever
They're literally friendfags on an exhibition to lolz at the game. Maybe fun to play with but shit from a skill perspective. The second one has probably never even played the game, and possibly the first one.
Is lederpydude(1) rapidly changing his name or does he just happen to have the same name as another player? I feel like it's too specific of a name for there to be two of so I'm guessing he's hacking and rapidly changing his name while doing so.
In which case, I'd rather just join another server.
t furry
It means he's Player 2 on Player 1's console. In other words, he has never even played the game.
id pick blue
>name is Fluttershy
Guy's been playing for a while
Wait they're all console players? So that means all of them are shit at video games so I win no matter what.
I'd play a match with redditors and MLG children before I'd join the furfag and weaboo on the right. Also RipRoarinBoogerpenis probably edges out Mister Lister, and there's a good chance the MLP player is an actually good player who's trolling.
this isn't a 6v6 it's a 1v11 for Mister_Lister.
It's already over, but
>The Guy
Not even God can stop this shit
I will not willingly play on the same team as a furry
Blue team has a BR fag and a grill who both are probably gonna feed and be useless
Yes he can. He makes all the good players on the other team die irl.
Blue easily. Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister could probably carry and Narutokitsune and Wolfpack92 are probably autistic enough to do well.
Blue has a le reddit duo so they'd be equally useless.
Let's analyze this carefully.
Conflict A: [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx vs [9GAG]epicftw9001
Let's break this down.
Player A: [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx
Breakdown of name:
[420] / xX / W33D / W4RRIOR / Xx
420 refers to 4/20, a day when pot smokers around the world come together to smoke and push for legalization, holding marches and rallies. This, along with "W33D", allows us to perceive [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx is likely a weed smoker.
Weed has different effects on everyone, but it may enhance your abilities when it comes to vidya. Meaning [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx could have an edge over other players. Because while the average player trusts solely on talent and/or hard work to achieve anything meaningful, [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx trusts that drugs can aid him.
The meaning behind xX and Xx is really complex. In this explanation I'm going for chromosomes. It is known that XX makes you female, while XY makes you male. [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx is likely a female player. However, she doesn't want to boast about this, which is why she exposes her female condition secretly, only very intelligent such as me would notice it, and these intelligent people wouldn't put her on a pedestal because of it. This makes all the difference in the world since females might be good at vidya due to evolution reasons (they are the only ones worthless enough to actually do well in a worthless activity like vidya). So [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx has two edges over other players.
Finally, W4RRIOR. This may not be obvious at first glance, but it actually means "WARRIOR", the "A" being replaced by "4" so that only intelligent people can see it. Warriors are people specialized in combat and warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based warrior culture society that recognizes a separate warrior classs or caste. This essentially means that [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx is a GAMER, which gives her a little more skill, but reduces her human worth.
This means [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx could be a valuable ally.
That's spanish, mate
Player B: [9GAG]epicftw9001
Breakdown of name:
[9GAG] / epic / ftw / 9001
While 9gag seems like a random combination of the number 9 and the word "gag" (which means "joke"), there is actually a deeper meaning behind it. 9gag was - and is, actually - an online platform and social media website where users upload user-generated content,. It's like a Sup Forums made for dumb people, women and underagers.
Therefore, we can conclude that [9GAG]epicftw9001 is either stupid, female or underager. If [9GAG]epicftw9001 is female it won't be clear so they don't get the negative perks of being a female right off the bat, but the other two are really bad, so there is a 66% chance that [9GAG]epicftw9001 has a negative perk for the team.
Second, "epic". It is traditionally a genre of poetry, known as epic poetry, wherein the story has a theme of grandeur and heroism. This means that [9GAG]epicftw9001 is decided to undertake great, epic feats to have his name written down in history.
However... Being a hero means sacrificing yourself. Which in turn means [9GAG]epicftw9001 is likely to play without his team. That's right... "Epic" means he is also a lone wolf. There is no way to be successful like this. It's another big negative perk for [9GAG]epicftw9001.
Now, we have "ftw". This apparent riddle actually means "for the win". If you pay close attention, the first letter of each word (*F*or *T*he *W*in) is used to compose the ultimate riddle. It essentially means he wants to win.
Well, a retard [9GAG]epicftw9001 is, for everyone plays to win. Why do they feel the need to express such obvious idea? Another negative perk.
Finally, 9001. This number appears to have no meaning, but it refers to an episode of Dragon Ball Z, where Vegeta notices that Goku has over 9000 fight power. He forgets, however, that 9001 is still worth shit in the DBZ universe, meaning he affirms himself as a shit player.
Final verdict: [420]xXW33DW4RRIORXx beats [9GAG]epicftw9001 easily.
Red, it's not even close. There's no way blu team will be able to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to organize a successful offensive push against red team's sentry nest.
This. With a name like that, you know he's got the skills to back it up.
No, seriously, who the fuck is gregor. I know all the other names but this one. I know he's name dropped in a lot of threads, but someone redpill me on this.
red. no guaranteed bad players and a couple of potentially good ones
red will at least play the game