How could pc piracy end?

I think publishers should finance a system where ISPs' cut your service on third notice. Your name then shared will all other ISPs' and blacklisted for 4 years


Introduce new Hardware anti-piracy (cartridge games needin approved/licenced cartidge reader)

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Piracy ends when you get a real job and stop being a poorfag.

Most people who pirate were not able to buy the item(s) in question anyway.

>I think publishers should finance a system where ISPs' cut your service on third notice. Your name then shared will all other ISPs' and blacklisted for 4 years

Not abusable at all, nope.

>Introduce new Hardware anti-piracy (cartridge games needin approved/licenced cartidge reader)

Only $149.99, hope it doesn't break on you *wink wink* or be incompatible with your system.

Its how consoles ended piracy

Firmwire updates physically alter the circuit on mobo

This. Now almost every game I have has been legally purchased. There are only a few that are so damn hard or practically impossible to buy (or that are way too shit and expensive to spend money on them, they don't deserve it).
Generally I download a pirated game and if I like it, I buy it

You could make all software free, that way nobody could pirate.

Why not just give death penalty for pirating then use nsa backdoors to monitor everyones pc's.

You are dumb.

Hardware protection isn't a solution on a system you don't control entirely.
Doesn't matter how great your dongle is or how encrypted your cartridge system is, sooner or later it's going to send stuff out in the open into RAM and CPU on a 'hostile system' you have no control over.
This is where you lost.

>consoles ended piracy
Every console eventually got pirated.