What am I in for?

What am I in for?



increase council power
and a fun time with events and mad kings

Boners you never knew you wanted

Can I create a holy empire in this game and purge heathens across the land? I've never played it before and only seen screenshots and I want to know if I can sufficiently remove heretic.

yes, but you can't play as a bishop or pope

Not only that, you can even be a muslim

You're essentially playing as an Individual within a realm (country). Now through out any modern ideals of nation state because that does not matter. I'd recommend when starting off to play as a Count or Duke under a King. It will let you learn the game and still have fun. Playing a MP game with some friends of mine started with me as the Count of Cornwall before moving up to Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Wessex, King of Ireland and King of Brittany. It's a slow process but the journey is the best part making it to those goals.

a shallow, easy, mediocre game.
t. vicky 2 pro

Yes. And not just any holy empire, but the Holy Roman Empire.
Marry into the Byzantine Empire to claim it as well.