Was this Nintendo's magnum opus?

Was this Nintendo's magnum opus?

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It wasn't even the best smash game, what the fuck are you on about?

Sup Forums isn't smart enough to appreciate it.

I miss Brawl's art direction.

brawl had best music, not too much else

Honestly, if SSE didn't have Brawl speed/controls and removed the great maze, it would be next to GOAT. I'm pissed Tr4sh didn't even bother with a story mode at all. I miss all the hype before its release though.

>staying up late to catch the update just when Sakurai uploads it
>speculating about the Ancient Minister, Lucas replacing Ness

Can't fault what they added to the game at all really. People were just divided because it didn't play exactly the same as Melee though.

>the wave of posting when pokemon trainer was revealed
>the shitstorm during sonic's reveal

*trips and falls over*