What games let me play as a necromancer and raise an army of undead?
>Blizzard games need not apply
What games let me play as a necromancer and raise an army of undead?
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Poe. But the game really suck since the last expansion.
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Guild Wars 1
>But the game really suck since the last expansion.
Care to state your reasons? I've been playing Fall of Oriath and I thought it was great I just think PoE's end game map system is flawed.
Age of Wonders 1.
>Invade a city with my army of orcs.
>An enemy army comes, lead by a seasoned hero, so I know i can't hold it for long.
>Plunder and raze while I prepare my spell.
>As the enemies arrive, I animate the ruins and make the corpses of the fallen join me in the next battle.
>I defeat the army and revive the hero.
>Hero refuses to join me even after death, so I leave him wandering the world for all eternity.
among the 6 new acts only two really feel new, the rest is full of boring huge area with nothing to do but bash annoying mobs and full of reused asset. If could play it the old style doing all 4 acts three time, I would. I really disliked the new acts
Total War Warhammer, Von Carstein is actually my fav faction.
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.
Well, if you want to go old-school, there's always Masters of Magic.