The indie cross-overs are just unlockable t-shirts

>the indie cross-overs are just unlockable t-shirts

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They aren't tho you gigantic faggot

Yeah, they are. Suda talks about it here.

will there still be anime bizarre jelly shirts?

The worlds will be themed on original indie games by Grasshopper, not existing ones. On one hand, that means Suda will have full creative freedom to create a bunch of cool scenarios and bosses as usual, on the other hand, this indie collaboration seems to be nothing special so far. I wish they'd at least ask the indie devs if they can put small pieces of their games in NMH as minigames, it would be nice and wouldn't take much work on Grasshopper's part.

why is he kaiki in this one?

Dolphinfag, I know you're here, you better post your controller config, because I don't believe that you managed to get a DS4 to work.



does Sup Forums hate NMH

No, you're just witnessing what happens whenever an exclusive game is announced.

This makes me wonder what the deal was with that interview where Suda went on about asking studios to lend him characters like Monokuma and Prinny and Jibanyan and Phoenix Wright and having them meet Travis.

To be honest I really warmed up to the idea of stages based on actual games for a while there. Not exactly disappointed though because something like that could end up going to shit in so many ways.

That's a bummer. I'm still waiting for somebody to do a big indie crossover project. Something like a Smash Bros. type game or a Kart Racer is just begging to be made.

I'm fine with it. Maybe they'll be interested in expanding on the idea.

>exclusive game is announced
What got announced?

>people wanted a Kingdom Hearts-esque NMH
>it's actually Travis travelling through bootlegs of indie games because Suda is a cheap fuck

Can't wait to play through Hardwired Tampa and Overstory levels

After NMH2 ruined the series, yes.

>not even the original vooce actor

it goes

>people wanted a Kingdom Hearts-esque NMH
Who the fuck wanted that?

The game we're talking about.

What where you expecting? 3d world indieshit and shovel knight high-fiving travis?

>Implying this isn't a self-aware ruse meant to make fun of MGS5

Right guys?! Right?

Thank Christ.


I thought he got sucked into the games console tho

Yes? They even showed that strange game console at the end grabbing them.

What's weird is David Hayter is taking Downes' side over this, but I don't recall Robin giving a shit that Hayter got replaced with a hollywood actor in MGSV.

I wonder if Suda has the rights to Uncle Death. It would be fun if he were in this.

>Every trailer has a temp. Which is a running gag.
>Assuming the voice was final.
Either way, after RAD pulled a Hayter. I honestly would be fine with the Temp, who sounded surprisingly good. Bringing up the VA Strike was unnecessary on RAD's part as though he was painting Suda as though he was Konami to try & get more cash.

why wouldn't he?

So I take it the masked man is Bad Girl's father? Also are we really not getting RAD as Travis?

probably not

He's always been a similar character to Kaiki. A bitter loser who escapes into the tryhard cool persona of a villain to make himself feel better. The difference being that while Kaiki just steals money from little girls, Travis does actual evil shit. But even then stuff like killing people isn't really considered a big deal in the NMH universe given that every character does it with no repercussions.

That console is linked to Let It Die. All Grasshopper games are connected in some way. It probably puts some flexibility with ideas & adds onto the wackiness of the No More Heroes-verse so I'm fine with it not being a full on KH-like game. Unless they are hiding stuff from us.

>Suda hinting/pretty much saying there's going to be co-op, with the other player as Bad Man
Oh snap.

If they're parodies of indie games that would be just as good.

>long list of credits at the end of the trailer, including even the shirt designer
>no mention of the two voice actors
You may be right.

I'm glad he's back in the director's seat. His lesser rolls for all the other games just wasn't cutting it.

Exactly. RAD has never been in the trailers of the games. To actually believe that the voice was already chosen is ludicrous & fans should've already known the gag by now. RAD complaining on his twitter ruined the joke even more & we'll probably never get these gags again.

When the fuck has Suda ever done anything because fans wanted it?

Who in their right mind WOULD defend Hayter after his incessant immature whining tyrades?

He was the definition of classless in how he handled that.

He had a right to be upset, absolutely. He was THE voice of Snake since he had voice. But actors get replaced unceremoniously all the time without going on twitter tirades for months.

>people wanted a Kingdom Hearts-esque NMH
No. People THOUGHT is was a KH-esque NMH because of a shot of Hotline Miami in the trailer & misinformation being spread. Hell, everyone also thought it was a mini-game collection.

>Hell, everyone also thought it was a mini-game collection.
you mean only retards

& now RAD is doing the same thing, not even realising the Temp gag has been there since the BEGINNING!

I think you let all those shitposting threads get to you.

Who was she?

>RAD has never been in the trailers of the games.
That is completely wrong, he was in the first trailer for 2.

Exactly. But they still speculated it was a mini game collection, retarded as that speculation was. Everyone was trying to figure out something because
A. Hotline Miami was there
& B. A Let It Die reference dragged them in a game. Something DeathDrives always do, but they didn't drag you into some game that WASN'T Let it Die.

Someone that doesn't want the same thing happening to them. Like Robin Atkin Downes.

Y'know I've always wanted to try these games. Gonna emulate the first one right now any tips?

>47 seconds
>Travis says 3 words
>Compared to all the other times he hasn't been there or the goofy ass voices in a video longer than 47 seconds.
No wonder no one remembers it & hasn't brought it up.
It's still unlikely those are the voices since they weren't even credited in the video & are also nods to the first videos since NMH hasn't done anything really thematic in god knows when.

Use a Wii controller if you can.

The game uses the wiimote speaker for a re-occurring gimmick. (also lots of motion control gimmicks). You'll miss out on some of the experience if you don't have a wiimote.

NMH1 is a pain to setup with a controller but it's possible, but it's not that fun. 2 support gamepad though.

There's an option to enable wiimote noise without a wiimote.

His song was better than Margaret's