>game gets played competitively
>has RNG
Game gets played competitively
>plays sports competitively
>affected by weather and injuries
every single video game has RNG
I don’t get it. Make it a food analogy please.
>competitive hearthstone
>cook food competitively
>get your balls kicked by Ramsey
Is poker not competitive?
Are you retarded? Poker isn't RNG. The order at which you get a card is determined at the beginning of the game.
Super Mario Bros doesn't. Crash Bandicoot doesn't. Kirby's Adventure doesn't.
With that fucktarded logic, Hearthstone is competitive.
name a more competitive TCG
>Poker isn't RNG.
>The order at which you get a card is determined at the beginning of the game.
Rub those two neurons together a bit more user, you're almost there.
are you stupid? it's not like the deck is shuffled in between every dealing
Even Quake 3 has RNG in where a player spawns, which has led in many competitive matches to unavoidable deaths, sometimes a bunch in a row.
RNG is useful for providing an unpredictable element which both players need to adapt to, and its presence isn't enough to magically make a game "not competitive", but it has to be used very carefully if you want to keep your game balanced.
over time it's consistent because you can count cards.
not good enough to count cards? then git gud faggot
Nobody knows the order so its effectively random. If you know how computer rng works you'd know that, despite appearing random, the rng is predetermined by the seed it starts with.
>watching football
>literally a coin toss at the beginning of the game
wtf wowwww
>Super Mario Bros
The turtles who throw hammers at you
>card games
meant for
that's like saying baseball is RNG because you don't know the opponents batting order
You can't count cards in poker. Do you mean blackjack, or are you trying to bait?
Some have more than others, though.
For example, Overwatch has significantly more RNG than Quake.
Their movement isn't random. They make the exact same movements every time. Just because you don't understand that doesn't make it random.
So you're telling me the dealer, every dealer, shuffles the card in a predetermined order so that the card order is predetermined and always fall in a set order?
How do you even turn on your computer, I'm curious.
That's a really stupid comparison.
so basically you just got BTFO
>game has critical strike