Second round of the Gauntlet is almost over, and we may see the first multiplier-based upset since they were introduced. Who are you siding with in Round 3?
Second round of the Gauntlet is almost over, and we may see the first multiplier-based upset since they were introduced...
Lyn or Ike depending on who wins this round.
Gaius already won by multiplier boost though; at this point the multiplier for Camilla is a fact; but looking at the graphics prediction, it might also trigger a multiplier for Lyn if Camillafags go for max global rank
>Total difference
Camilla's gonna get a fuckhuge bonus after the next hour, it's almost guaranteed.
>Gaius already won by multiplier boost though
Huh, I don't remember that. Hopefully Lyn can get a multiplier bonus after Camilla does.
Anyone know how big the multiplier will be if Camilla gets it?
About this big.
If it hits in 15 minutes (as predicted), it will be x7.3
>Camilla might actually win
Fuck everything
It's still too early for a multiplier win. This will end up being just like Elise vs Sakura