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thanks mate

make a pastebin with the fights or somethin instead pls

What we need is a Sanic Tourney.

>tfw you want radino to win cause you helped create him but also want buckfilla to win cause she's your favorite
why must I live this way?

what are the stats of the taem deep sea?

>You want Buckfilla to win

u gay

Help me think of more Ability Effects. Or Opinions.

What, with the little green >+11 that buckfilla had? You think you wouldve been able to see that over the 40 fucking sheriffs on screen?

It was a funny meme but it makes the fights too damn hard to follow.

I miss when we had a bunch of sanics. One even made it to the finals

This is why I ask for names, it never clicks immediately.
Hows this?