>R6 Siege is the most dynamic tactical shooter ever created >For Honor is the most unique fighting game ever developed >The Division has better endgame "dungeons" than any MMO in the last 15 years >Rabbids is literally good enough to be in a mainline Mario game
How the fuck did Ubisoft of all companies become the best AAA developer on the market? Why the fuck are they treated like the worst?
Maybe, just maybe, if these games had offline content, more people would buy them.
Lucas Rogers
>The Division Got a chuckle out of me. Have a (you)
Jaxon Campbell
Why? We live in the digital age where we're all constantly online 24/7. You have no reason to every want offline content unless you plan on pirating something.
The incursions in The Division take more teamwork and tactics than any other content in any other MMO. You have to actually coordinate with your team to get shit done, not just have an aggro guy spamming AoEs, some faggy DPS autistis tabbing between porn, and some healer twink bottom playing whack-a-mole with health bars. People are actually required to pick up multiple roles and adapt to what the situation demands. It's amazing.
Lucas Thomas
>Why? We live in the digital age where we're all constantly online 24/7. You have no reason to every want offline content unless you plan on pirating something
Or maybe because Ubisoft is the worst possible company for online gaming? Like Rainbow Six Siege is only just starting to unJUST itself after like 2 fucking years
Kayden Peterson
I'll give you that Ubi has significantly improved for the last 2ish years.
Christian Adams
>two years later >still no fps has dethroned siege as having the worst network code ever made really gets the noggin joggin
Dylan Kelly
tfw was just playing the division farming comfy world bosses and got a classified deadeye gear piece, feelsgood.jpeg