That one game you loved that will never get a sequel

>that one game you loved that will never get a sequel

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's too old, too niche to ever get a sequel, or for anybody to care about it
>the IP owners would never even care to make it

>you will never get another good Fallout game in your lifetime


tactics was the last good one.

>kane and lynch 2

XIII-2 you retard

i know that feel
Here's my list:
Conkers bad fur day
Alundra 2
Snowboard kids
Micro maniacs
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter
Monster madness
among others

half life 2

Jazz jackrabbit 2. Fuck you epic megagames.

>Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter

You frog posters should be shot dead at sight

dont hurt helper

Binary Domain.

Feels bad.

based spongebob saving the world from nazi frog

bloodborne might

Mischief Makers and Tomba, Tomba had a sequel but we will never get a 3rd game.

>War of the Monsters

Didn't XIII end on a cliffhanger ending as well?

Prinny 3 will never happen...


Never ever.
Hell, I'd give up an arm for a remake.


I don't even know where they would go with a sequel the story was wrapped up and they didn't leave any loose ends to continue with.

Legend of Dragoon
It hurts every single day.

My lad. Too bad the emptied every orifice onto the corpse in the remake.

stalker 2

> it got a sequel
> the sequel was an unmitigated disaster
> released as a buggy wreck
>basically no AI
> missing core components that were promised
> kills the series dead
> and despite it all your still loved it and just wanted them to finish and patch and get it working
There is no worse feel

Deus Ex
I'd like a new Devil May Cry, but modem Capcom would almost certainly fuck it up.

Team Fortress2

Everyone shat on Advent Rising when it came out, but I liked it anyway
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is even worse because a sequel was actually in development. It was never completed because ActiBlizz set the studio to work on Starcraft: Ghost instead

Ultima Online

There was an attempt, but EA has been raping the original's asshole so for so long and hard, you can walk into it and see caveman paintings.

Feels fucking bad man

which game?

Suikoden series
Fuck Konami

Fucking Cubivore. It's literally impossible. Why couldn't it have been more popular, dudes?

Dark Cloud 2

No! Y-youre all wrong there's gonna be another new vegas! they just have to finish the iOS version of skyrim first!


Dante's Inferno

We get endless Meat Boy shit but can't have another Dustforce. At least the DX update was good. Really good.

Legend of the Dragoon. Please...i'll suck your dick.

Might not be quite what the OP means, but we'll probably never get and Ape Escape 4. Feels bad.

i was just about to post this. to be fair, i don't know how a sequel to this game would even work seeing as how dustforce DX gave us new levels and a level editor. there really isn't a need for a sequel. maybe another challenging platformer by the same developers?


It had its flaws, but overall a decent shooter, just wish the bosses weren't a quick time event.


Yeah, a spiritual sequel would be really nice. The music was fucking killer in this game too. I just loved the way it controlled and felt to play.


This game was a lot of fun. Rubi was a babe. I'm pretty sure they did plan more I guess it just didn't sell much. I think it was pretty short too

Or any good godzilla fighting game really.


Forgot pic

Diablo 2


given how progressively garbage it became maybe it's for the better

>patapon will never get a sequel
it hurts to live

Kingdoms of amalur
I don't care what anybodys says, I loved that game.

the dream is dead

>Viva Pinata will never get a full sequel

Sin & Punishment 2
F-Zero GX

Fuck you, I want to believe.

Fuck you Persona and fuck you SMT and fuck you Atlus

Etrian Odyssey is okay



fucking dumb frogposter

There actualy was a second Sin and Punishment game.

>You will never scare the piss out of Sims characters in modern graphics.

Ghost Master was just too good an idea for this shit world. Still play it every October.

It was a fucking miracle that Sin and Punishment even got a sequel in the first place really, but I'm sad that it sold like shit because the average Nin10yearold won't play anything that isn't mass marketed to them via Treehouse and Twitter memes

jade empire
alpha protocol

I bought that shit day 1 and it was worth the full 50, but I kept seeing it in bargain bins for ever. It was kinda depressing.

Sin & Punishment 2, Trauma Team, and Punch Out are my 3 favorite Wii games.

All 3 were spectacular financial failures. Fucking bummer.

I would've bought S&P if it hadn't starred generic fucking anime characters

It dug it's own grave.

meanwhile bullshit like Carnival Games and Just Dance ended up being some of the best selling games on the system.

>No Metal Arms 2 because Blizzard and Activision are a bunch of fucks

It hurts

Forget a new Dustforce, where the fuck is the new game the dev announced years ago?

The Wii was a tragedy, tons of great games like S&P2 ended up flopping and entering the bargain bin while shovelware reigned supreme thanks to retards like who won't buy anything without some BING BING WAHOO shit on it

What sucks ass is for every one good game 5 shovelware games were made and it was like a machine gun ass shitting em out. So many amazing games buried by shovelware garbage.



It did get a fanmade sequel at least.


My first love.

I'm sorry things had to be the way they were, but i'm glad I had the experience nonetheless

I don't want any sequels. Make a new original game you faggots

>Dark Messiah

It might be for the best, idk if modern Arkane has the talent.

We both know the answer to that user.

Still my favorate pair of racing games from a couple gens ago, still holiding out for an Underground 3.

>the game you liked gets a sequel
>it's not like what you were imagining, you never wanted THIS
What game is it, Sup Forums?

It already has a sequel. It's called Dark Souls 3.

>Years since we got a new THPS game
>Finally get one
>Exited as all hell
>ends up being a fucking dumpster fire

>Jet Force Gemini will never get a sequel
>it didn't even get the planned webcomic adaptation
>even if it did it'd be some dumb cartoony Kinect tier bullshit with none of the atmosphere of the original

Fucking sellouts.

Fun Fact: Cross was never referened as a sequel to CT

What did they mean by this?


>new vegas

He said GOOD Fallout game, user.

Holy shit this

It's not fair

>According to designer John Stafford, "we got quite a bit of traction... we wrote a story, designed most of the environments/worlds, and many of the quests, characters, and items." However, when the game was close to starting development, LucasArts hit a difficult period in the company's history which led to the project being canceled.

What happened to Lucas Arts during this period?


>being this new