Is it the 15th yet
Is it the 15th yet
It's the 3rd
What exactly is the point of spamming these threads multiple times a day?
I'm hype.
Previews are saying its good and honestly im pretty hyped. cant wait for the 15th
Yes. Go play.
In hell.
*Teleports behind you and unleashes a charged shot into the base of your skull.*
I take spamming on my board personnelly.
*Fires a super missile at your corpse and screw attacks through it while space jumping away.*
Just play AM2R.
Why not both? One doesn't have to replace the other.
Let it go dude
Why is Fusion the most hated game here yet it has the best atmosphere of the series?
Too hard for casuals.
Him and Yakuza were insanely difficult for me. Was shocked a Metroid game could have that level of difficulty. Looking forward to replaiyng them.
>Not playing 2, AM2R, AND SR.
Why the fuck does it take so long for .cias to leak? I have the game pre ordered too, don't think I'm some worthless freeloader.
This guy gets it.
10.5 days...
Do we know the final energy/missile tank totals yet?
probably a lot
Real talk.
Do I get this or MonHun Stories when it comes it. I'll eventually get both, but I will get side tracked with too many games at once.
Go for metroid, its a focused game with a set goal while an rpg will definitely take longer with grinding and sidequests into account.
Alright. Thanks, brother.
I lived in Japan when monhun stories came out and I still didn't buy it, but I'm generally anti-monhun because it triggers my DLC sensitivities. I will not buy anything that expects me to visit a supermarket in Japan to access DLC like the monhun series does. Especially now that I can no longer do that.
Also Samus Returns probably needs as many day 1 sales as possible.
A top mom needs a top dad.
>implying the Chief would survive the impact of Sammy's thighs on his pelvic region.
>Why is Fusion the most hated game here
linear as fuck with retarded adam constricting gameplay
>yet it has the best atmosphere of the series?
super, prime 1, and prime 2 are all better
>any metroid game outside of echoes on hard
here he is again, the halo 6 fag that's trying to push halo's "revival" alongside metroid's, go away
>hard on any difficulty
Gotta do work to get paid, user.
Can somebody post the webm of that "badass" boss ending cutscene?
when they needed to debug the game to get through a boss during testing, I think it's safe to say it's difficult. I do think most of echoes is easy even on hard more but the couple of bosses with difficulty spikes are enough for me to consider it as challenging on hard mode
here he is again the doom fag that's trying to push Doom's "revival" alongside Metroid, get the fuck out
He's a superhuman too, he'll be fine.
Thanks user.
I love Samus
>Finish with 100% items and under par time.
>Get an extended ending where you fight Ridley on Ceres.
Hooray for unrealistic expectations and setting yourself up for disappointment.
I've never played nudoom, take your shit somewhere else
NO, you take yours somewhere else.
Can you two imbeciles pick a tripcode so I can filter your bullshit