Inverted Axis

Never understood why this was a thing. Was there a game that also inverted the X axis? Do you still invert the Y axis to play

Only for flying games

>Always play inverted
I don't know, it just seems to make more sense to me and/or is easier to control.
but that's my opinion
Unless it's not available, then I play like a mongoloid cripple for the first 2 hours of the game.
It's either both inverted or neither.

I don't get why some games don't just have the option to have both inverted right from the start
I remember playing Horizon when it just came out, didn't have invert x until they patched it in later. It was horrible.

This is an excellent way to spot underage faggots.

GoldenEye had inverted Y and it just stuck with me since then. I played with inverted X for a long time until I realized normal X is more natural to me. Can't explain it. Pisses my bro off when we play my co-op games because he has to reconfigure his character every time.

Recently I started playing Star Fox Adventure and it has a fixed setting inverted Y axis, which I've been having struggles with. I think that after playing some shooters with the wiimote aim-to-screen feature i can't adjust to inverted Y axis anymore.

I can play either way in 3rd person games for some reason, it just takes me a second to get used to whichever default the game uses.
but in FPSs I can't play with inverted controls at all

I never used it, but I'm not going to be a belligerent ass about it either. For some people it feels more natural, and I can understand that.

I know a few Japanese games that invert the X axis of the camera in third person games. So when you held left on the stick the camera would rotate left which made you look right.

people incapable of empathy use inverted. they literally can identify with an attack helicopter


I don't know why, but I'm just used to it for some reason.

My dad is a pilot and always plays Y-inverted. I've always assumed that pilots or weird people play inverted.
Can't stand inverted controls at all myself, but when I first played War Thunder I tried inverting the Y-axis when flying to see if it'd make it better. I left the controls on default recently and did much better score-wise than with Y-inverted, but it feels like I'm not flying "correctly" or "the way I should be". It's a weird feeling.

>grow up on pc games
>move mouse left to look left, etc.
>go to console
>suddenly "inverted" is a thing

if i'm playing ace combat or flight sim i'll use a joystick and do it proper otherwise inverted is for morons

>Never understood why this was a thing.
You know how when you're using a smartphone you drag your finger down to scroll up, because it's as if you were physically pulling down the page? That's literally it. Different perspective.
>inb4 le epic "I somehow never did this in my entire life" funny reply
Shut up.

Pilot controls are technically not inverted, since that's how they naturally are in the first place

Stop posting, retard.

Inverted does make some kind of sense. When you look down, you tilt your head forward. When you look up, you tilt your head back.

>Pull analog stick toward me and to the left
>Camera goes up and to the right

I can't do that shit.

Thinking about whether u play invertes or normal is like thinking about how you breathe

>drag finger left to go to next tab
>don't invert x axis tho

You are a man of fine mind.

inverted makes more sense to people who grew up playing flight sims like X-Wing vs TIE Fighter


for people who hate on inverted

look down: you just moved your head FORWARDS
look up: you just moved your head BACKWARDS


Both A and B lead to inverted axis you ding dong.

Preferences and rationales really don't matter, the option should always be included in every game.

>He didn't play with turok when he was little

Let's apply this logic elsewhere
>Yo, forward and backward should be inverted! Think about it:
>when you walk forward, you push your feet BACKWARD
>when you walk backward, you push your feet FORWARD

>Duuuuuhhhhh u shud let ppl do whatevr dey wantz
Yeah, and allow degeneracy to fester like this. 100% of inverted sympathizers are school shooters, that's why they're constantly thinking of moving their head in real life so they can point the gun realistically and kill YOUR FUCKING SON. Force normal controls in every game so the inverted cuckold must adapt or die.

>this ISIS propaganda
wanting people to never use inverted so they can't figure out how to fly a fighter bomber jet to stop terrorists from taking our freedoms