Who was in the right?

Who was in the right?

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Not the fat Jew, that's for sure.

the one with the most upboats

>community gives money hand over fist for shitty cosmetics
>this is somehow supposed to not be taken as a clear indicator that the community wants it

I know most consumers don't like being told cold hard truths like that, but he is right. Money is how you vote for what you want out of a business.

fuck off neo/v/

>tfw Sup Forums loved gaben 5 years agi
>literally anons had portraits of him
>fast-forward 5 years - Sup Forumstards took over Sup Forums
>use anti-semetic slurs to refer to gabe

that was before valve turned to shit
ur right about the Sup Forums shit though

Both are right, but gaben needed to explain it further, and it's definitely good that he got downboated into oblivion for such a blatant statement. Americans need to have honeyed, he did a PR mistake here in americanolando. It's simply stupid to make such a statement and i'm sure he gaben knew this but he didnt care because the american public is absolutely retarded to think what he said isn't true.

it is true. americans just don't realize that companies DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about them, their wishes, or anything at all. they make money, they make casual games that do not appeal to a niche. so the games get watered down, made easier, made more hollywood-esque, so even the most casual americans can enjoy them. every year the same cod, the same stupid sports game (ok, europeans are guilty of that too - fucking fifa and pes), and people actually buy this crap again and again. HUGE cashgrab.

I think it is really stupid and shortsighted of the community to think that the modding scene is just going to continue to exist for all eternity without there being some sort of payment for them.
The gaming culture has changed and technology has changed. Back when Morrowind and Neverwiter Nights came out, the average person had very limited options to in some way turn their ideas into videogames, so modding those games was one of the few ways you could actually turn these ideas into a playable form.
Nowadays with a lot of gaming engines being free and fairly easy to work with, there isn't any real incentive to continue being a modder. Not to mention the existence of steam, patreon, kickstarter and early access making it even easier for hobby developers to be paid for their work.
I'm not saying that Bethesda or Steam are the ones who are going to come up with a solution for the situation, but just saying that the modding scene is somehow sacred and completely untouchable is dumb.

Gayben BTFO

I hope you guys realize what the actual plan is. Nobody gives a shit about fallout 4. By introducing paid mods for such a shit game they are basically getting the shitstorm out of the way before they launch the elder scrolls 6 where paid mods are already there from the beginning. There will be much less backlash since it already blew over by that point.

Bit rich coming from the man who released a game and then rode its wave for close to 15 years now. Go ahead, gaben, release paid mods. I don't mind, so long as you don't take more than a symbolic fee to cover transaction costs or something. If you slap on a 30% cut straight to valve then it's blatant money grabbing.

>Who was in the right?
gabe sorta was as long as the word money were to be changed to profit. Since people always only do shit to get something out it. Be it experience , praise, cash, or even just wanting something to actually exist in the case of passion projects.

Gabe is right and yet at the same time outs himself as the corporate cunt he is. Since to him its all about cash profit.

Thanks for censoring the word FUCK lad, almost had a fucking heart attack.

MODs should not be monatised and if they are, then all the money should go to the mod creator (and let the market decide the value of the mod) and zero to the game developer, otherwise the dev is just outsourcing DLC creation.

Gabe is a businessman, he doesn't care about games as much as the money they produce.
Praising him as one of the greatest figures of the industry is like saying fucking Avi Arad is one of the greatest figures of the film industry.

>Oh my gawd! Anti-semtism!
No, you self righteous pleb. The happy merchant is a personification of greed, and so are zionist jews. Hence the meme, dumb dumb.

hes right to
companies go where the money is
they pander to the consumer thats their fucking job

"us gamers" dont want to see some dota card game, but it makes sense to go there since thats where the money is and theres a huge pool of consumers that play those games, there arent so many fucking hearthstone clones out there for no reason

neck yourself

Gabe is in the right.

Think about a job, do you go to it every day for the fun of it? No, you go to it because it gives you money, even if you like your job, money still plays a significant factor because of the fact you still work through days you don't feel like going or doing it.

You can also monetize off of doing most other hobbies like painting or making Youtube content (animations, sketches), why not modifications? The actual idea of making money off of modifications, not the implementations of it by Valve or Bethesda.

>zionist jews are greedy for wanting a homeland

>while muslims, christians,taoists, buddists, and hinudists, have dozens of homelands, and ethnic/cultural groups like mormons and native americans get their own homelands (Utah and Oklahoma), and in the latter case, get free gibs in the form of CDIB cards

>gabe sorta was as long as the word money were to be changed to profit. Since people always only do shit to get something out it. Be it experience , praise, cash, or even just wanting something to actually exist in the case of passion projects.
That's really stretching the definition of "profit". Almost no one uses "profit" to mean anything other than money.

Nu-Sup Forums memers loved Gabe 5 years ago, you fag
Reminder that 5 years ago was already 5 years after the release of episode 2
Gabe was already notorious money grubbing hat salesman back then

>gabe is right because reddit doesn't like him, therefore I do

Why is fucking blurred out?

Money is how the business community steers work. A community in general though? That's way to big to make a generalization like that. Plenty of people don't care about making money off of a game or giving money to a modder. To say nothing of the logistics and legal nightmare of mod.

I mean they obviously gonna keep pushing for it since multiple games by Valve have modders making extensive or in some cases exclusively all content for future updates, but I kinda doubt the whole "pay for mods" thing will ever take off meaningful even for companies like Zenimax whose have entire franchises built around modding and modders.

you don't know if it says fucking

Yeah, times change and Gabe turned into a kike. Head back to neogaf if you don't like it. Not my fault you weren't here for the golden era.

Why is whatever word it is blurred out?

I've never understood people's love for Gabe, Valve, and Steam. Valve's games weren't even that good, Steam is DRM that has a stranglehold on PC gaming, and Gabe has never seemed particularly likeable.

>JIDF gets triggered
Look, Winestein, you do deserve a homeland but it doesn't change the fact jewish people are shrewd businessman that will take advantage of opportunities. (Don't pretend the talmud doesn't encourage you to hand out loans with a percentage) All races have stereotypes, yours unfortunately is the greedy, unscrupulus businessman. (Like your prime minister) Get over it.


Why is what fucking blurred out?


I don't know man. It's too blurry to tell.

you need a reddit gold account to view it


Better for the scene to fizzle out than propagate shit like the creation club.

Yes and it's all justified. You saw how the whole Episode 3 thing ended, right?

> that last quip
Yup, it's reddit

Those numbers are just a census of idiots on the site.

There's nothing inherently wrong with wanting modders to be rewarded for their efforts: The problem is doing so in a way that doesn't encourage greed and people acting out of a desire to make money and not further the community; and how to handle mods that depend on other mods.

Gabe 5 years ago
>"Piracy is a service problem."
Gabe today
>"Get fucked cunts, we don't give a shit about consumers anymore, we can just release 200 games on Steam every day and rake in the profit."
You today

Yes I do.

>literal billionaire CEO
>posting on fucking reddit
nani the fuck does he even care what they have to say

Multiple billionaires have posted on reddit.

>the normies are fed up with the fat merchant

feels so fucking good, fuck Steam and their kike tactics fuck the fat cunt, especially fuck them for not making vidya any more

You retarded newfag, this was part of an AMA he did during the dust-up from Bethesda's first attempt at paid mods. It was a PR move.

Money doesnt steer gaming communities. Thats totally wrong. People dont do mods and fan arts and shits for money.If for that a lot of shilled games would have communities and those who fuck their customers for their hardwork wouldn't.

Take example Nintendo games , they are jewest shit of industry who purposely r&d their fangames,fan arts and so.
But yet people still do it for free even.Because people like their games.

Same shit with Bethesda,Blizzard,Valve.

While do you see anybody doing fan mods for Homefront ? no.

It's obviously not him, just some intern retard.

>censoring fuck
I genuinely love reddit, it's hilarious

So reddit didn't censor the word on the site but in got censored in the OP image. What happened? Who did it and why?

Reddit didn't censor fuck.

Doesn't mean the entire community is 100% idiots and gambling addicts, and therefore should lose an already-functioning community system so some Jews can stuff their pockets fatter.

Paid mods as it was introduced was shit for multiple reasons
Rewarding modders is not inherently a bad thing
Steam is a pretty good platform and not anywhere close to the level of jewishness it's often claimed to be
Valve hate is mostly an overblown circlejerk

Yeah the redditor who took the screencap did

The assumption is that money will make mods better by encouraging creators put more effort into them, but probably the opposite is true. Money is not a reward for the virtuous, it's a result of business practices. If mods start making money, then making mods becomes ABOUT making money, which in turn means that people will gravitate to making the mods which generate the most revenue for the least effort. This will end up being garbage like $1 weapon skins and armour sets and good mods that actually do things like add significant new gameplay or content will fall by the wayside because they're much harder to make, but no one will pay more than like 5-10 bucks for them.

The community "steers work" with money, but I don't trust the community to spend their money wisely at all. The shit that people spend their money on is often the exact opposite of what is good and should be encouraged. It's kind of ironic because Valve's games are now a quintessential example of that kind of practice (i.e. lootboxes, hero skins, and other such bullshit).

Donations are fine, since people won't be compelled to donate unless they're really happy with a mod and want to see more. But selling a mod like it's an actual product is a one-way ticket to turning mods into pure microtransaction horseshit.

Yeah people don't change and neither can opinions. This board can though, right fellow retard!

I think someone screencapped the post and reposted on some other website that has language censorship of the word fuck that OP went to and downloaded the censored pic and then reposted it again here.

>I'm not saying that Bethesda or Steam are the ones who are going to come up with a solution for the situation

>valve in 2005
"Piracy is a service issue"
>valve in 2014
"We need 70% of mod makers income"

Why should modding die for Bethesdas cunty ways? Best thing would be if TES6 bombed in sales

>"Piracy is a service issue"
>anyone actually believed that was sincere

>it is inconceivable to me that someone's opinion on a person can change when that person does something controversial

"Piracy is a service issue"

I remember that time user, and he was right, back then I had to pirate because there was no legal way to support devs and games where I lived, I remember thinking that and gabe was the guy who actually said it and understood

fuck man, what the hell happened to gabe

We all know your only real objection is the jew remark.

Agreed. I can't think of a single example to show that financial incentive would increase a mod's quality, although you could say that it's because a proper platform for paid mods hasn't existed yet. But we can look at actual games for that, can't we? How many shitty cobbled-together unity cash grabs are there on steam? They wouldn't exist if the financial incentive wasn't there. There's no reason to assume that paid mods would only attract virtuous developers who'd strive for quality. There would presumably be loads of cash grab mods. And a whole new world of stealing assets and plagiarism would open up.

It was. Gabe was always about the money, it just happened that doing things that were good for the consumer ended up getting him higher profits. Remember the steam sales early on? Everyone was blown away by how good some of the deals were but Gabe didn't do them as a nice gesture, he literally showed the internet how it not only increased sales, but also profit.

>money is what steers work
>would have made bank by continuing half life

Refutes himself

But there's also lots of good indie games that used Steam as a platform to get published, that woudln't necesaarily exist without such platforms
It's not quite an analogue situation, but I can see why Valve, the company that adoped muliple modder teams, game them jobs and fleshed out their ideas into full games, would think along these lines

No it doesn't.

Yet neither did it seek to, although this may have been a later aim.

It is quite bizarre to imply that it was not money ultimately steering modding, though.

While not always true, often modders work to improve and subsequently showcase their skills.

Some will even seek donations (as they well should) for their work, which will be received in relation to the potential desirability, and final quality of that work.

It was always money driving the scene, just not exploitatively so.

If steam of Bethesda offered to pay mod creators 80% of their mod sales revenue, the I'd be down for it. Especially if the nexus remained in place for in-progress mods and other basic tweaks.

They clearly don't think itd be worth it todivert resources from Steam and their other avenues
Gabe is pretty good at judging these things, considering how wildly successful he's been at microsoft and afterwards with Volvo


fat fuck must be thinking about easy money and taking a cut of someone else's work, per usual

You need to go back.

>The assumption is that money will make mods better by encouraging creators put more effort into them, but probably the opposite is true. Money is not a reward for the virtuous, it's a result of business practices. If mods start making money, then making mods becomes ABOUT making money, which in turn means that people will gravitate to making the mods which generate the most revenue for the least effort. This will end up being garbage like $1 weapon skins and armour sets and good mods that actually do things like add significant new gameplay or content will fall by the wayside because they're much harder to make, but no one will pay more than like 5-10 bucks for them.
Also, people who *do* want to make something like Falskaar or Enderal fall into two categories: People who want money to make those things, and people who don't. People who do want money won't be satisfied with what Bethesda gives them, especially because they apparently only get paid a flat rate at the start and don't see a single cent of the profits from sales. The people who don't want money will just make the mod free like usual. A paid mod system isn't going to give us mods that we wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

That's the point. It just devolves into what makes easy cash. Half life would undoubtedly make them a profit, just based on the brand name, but they make more money through low effort shit so don't need to. That's what the mod scene would turn into

Valve is also the company that pioneered garbage like loot boxes.

How many people here would defend shit like lootcrates, DLC, microtransactions, early access, etc etc? Probably not many, and yet those things still exist. More than exist, they are thriving, getting more and more pervasive and aggressive every year. Why? Because people buy them. It literally doesn't matter how many people will call out shitty things because companies don't care about anything except the bottom line. "Voting with your wallet" doesn't actually do shit when there are 10 million retards out there lining up to give their money away to garbage that actively ruins the future of the medium. Did the thing earn more than it cost to make? Congrats, it's a success, time to make more. Those people who are calling it out as being shit don't even matter at all.

Mods being free, passion and community-based endeavours is the only reason they've managed to stay decent and pure for so long. How did Valve end up hiring those modder teams in the first place? Why did they start modding? Maybe it's because they had passion and drive and wanted to create something exciting and new that they and the community could enjoy and benefit from. They care so much about whatever they are hoping to create, that they work without expectation of reward. How could cynical ass businessmen ever hope to match that? How can some faggot who obsesses over costs and deadlines and return-on-investment ever hope to make anything original, amazing, or worthwhile when they would rather just take the quick buck 100% of the time?

Make no mistake, there is absolutely nothing altruistic about paid mods. This is a company seeing people doing work for free, out of passion, self-determination, and good-will, and thinking "hmmm, surely there is a way to profit from this".

this shit better not touch ARMA 3, the game is pretty much unplayable with out a shit ton of mods

>time changes things
>oh no things have changed

good post

He didn't make the image you ******* retard

Yep. I came to the realisation that gamers are uncultured tasteless swine years ago.
Once you accept you have nothing in common and don't care anymore you can finally move on. Just let it go.