Wait, so you were actually feeding Trico children throughout the game?

Wait, so you were actually feeding Trico children throughout the game?




Post monster girl Trico.

I don't know

Could you repeat the question?

I don't think the barrels are children, I think it's more of an exchange, the big energy ball absorbs the children and gives back barrels to feed the guardians

This game really went off the rails with the ending.

>that part where all the other tricos start ganging up on your trico

Why would you ask for such a thing

hairy feather pusy

Who was in the wrong here?

Because she's cute as fuck.

Ending made no sense. Now what are the dogs supposed to eat?

Him surviving was just a "bad endings make people sad, so here's your good ending so we don't get hate mail because your shitty kid couldn't take a little bit of reality"...

We don't know that Guardians can ONLY survive on barrels. They could easily eat vegetation or animals one they're out of control of the Master.

hey have they patched this so you can disable the tutorial things that pop up throughout the game?

I don't remember tutorial things or hints.

really? they were constantly on the screen even like halfway through the game.

>tfw just have one more run left to get the last few trophies
>can't bring myself to go through the game again

it's so good, I loved the shit out of it, but it's also so fucking annoying to play for the third time

I refuse to get the Platinum in TLG. Every game I've ever platinumed I've ended up liking less because of being forced to do some kind of bullshit (collect 500 X etc).

I want my playthrough of TLG to be pure. I played it, beat it, loved it. Going back to do some arbitrary bullshit will just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

mfw I cant complete this due to a glitch
sad times

>tell trico to do something
>keeps fucking it up
Makes sense that it's a she

I heard trico can sit on you is that true

I replayed it 5 or 6 times while getting the platinum. I really enjoy the story, and getting to know Trico's quirks better felt like a continuation of my bond with him instead of a repeat of the same experiences.

You're either feeding it children souls (?) or just some sort of glowey butterfly that the machine powered by children souls (?) doles out to them as payment.