So these are canon endings? According to CDPR
>Witcher Ciri
>Olgierd, Bloody Baron, Countess, Roche and Ves survived
>It means Nilfgaardian Empire won the war too
So these are canon endings? According to CDPR
>Witcher Ciri
>Olgierd, Bloody Baron, Countess, Roche and Ves survived
>It means Nilfgaardian Empire won the war too
Other urls found in this thread:
>witcher ciri
CDPR confirmed for shit taste
I am doing well, Geralt, I am doing well. Thanks.
Alltough i hope the barons wife couldnt be saved but the baron and her daughter reconceiled anyways.
I've got mixed feelings for Olgierd. He kind of deserves having his soul gobbled up but he also doesn't seem so bad if you go the other route.
Also, how do you get the Countess to survive? She died on my first save but I want her to live on the second so what do I need to do?
Its kind of bullshit.
You have to let her sister live, befriend her,find who was the last victim,confront her sister and choosing the third option,and telling anna what she was gonna do.
The happiest ending is the villain getting away with shit. B&W shits the bed after the final boss
I wish Gaunter was somewhere there in the background
>best girl keira is canon dead
> ywn be the guard who impales a 100 feet stake through her ass.
These are the only outcomes that aren't on direct conflict with the books, so yes.
>Dont fucking cry
>Dont fucking cry
>"Thanks for everything, and know we all miss you, old friend"
Who is the guy in armor near Baron?
Corvo Bianco Geralt & Yen chilling and selling wine best ending
>So tell us,how have you been doing?
That was the line that broke me
i like my own ending
where i didn't condemn ciri to a shit life being spat on by a bunch of ungrateful fuckwit peasants
> Hop on!
w-what did she mean by this?
Probably the Captain Guard Duncan
Ciri becoming empress wouldve been doable because Sap never said who Moorvrans wife was and they hinted at it with his dialogue but it goes against everything she is as a character.
It's fanservice video. It has nothing to do with the "canon".
Youd have to be pretty stupid to think they arent going to make a Witcher 4 with those endings being the ones they choose though.
Nice catch
Problem is that the books explicitly confirm that Emhyr's waifu was the fake-Ciri lookalike until the end. And as you said yourself, Empress Ciri doesn't work from overall narrative standpoint considering all the story arcs and character development. Witcher Ciri (and dead Ciri) are the only ones that work.
But by this video, you could actually see which endings studio prefers.
I read through some janky ass translation when W2 came out so maybe Im just misremembering. Ciri becoming the Empress makes the continent way too fucking stable.
Polish audio video for anyone that hates the awful Eng dub.
There was only fantranslations for like 4 of the books back when W2 came out when it comes to English, so it could be the case. But the official book English translations are pretty fucking dry and meh as well since they removed all the clever language uses that simply can't be translated from Polish to English, not to mention all the references to Polish history you'd never get unless you cared about the country's history.
The books just don't work well in English in general.
You better be a polfag you hipster piece of shit.
You can see her to the right of the party as ciri enters
It might be controversial to say but I absolutely enjoy CDPRs character interaction writing infinitely more than I do sapkowskis. I guess I can chalk that up to lost in translation issues. The relationships feel a lot colder in the books.
>for preferring a language the games are intended to be played in and written first in
And yeah I am Polish, but I still recommend people to play with Polish voices and English text to actually get good high quality performances and proper immersion.
Don't even get me started how the English VAs are so fucking awful and irrelevant that they couldn't even bother to keep them consistent throughout the 3 games for the dub, with only Geralt's VA being consistent despite being the worst one of them all as Geralt isn't meant to sound like Christopher Nolan's gruffy emotionless Batman.
What, do you play Metro with English dubs and watch anime with Amerifat dubs as well?
> Ciri not an Empress corrupted by power in this ending like she's destined to be.
Nice fantasy.
>I guess I can chalk that up to lost in translation issues. The relationships feel a lot colder in the books.
That is definitely a translation issue. The bromance is there in the books.
Yeah because I dont suffer from crippling autism.
You suffer from crippling shit taste instead and boy what a permanent terminal illness it is.
>when you have to model swap to get your fantasy endings
Polish is a horrible language. Why the fuck would I listen to that garbage?
you're pretty fucking stupid if you think after the way w3 ended they'd bother continuing with that story
there's nothing left to be said. it's over.
The books have Geralt down fine. I agree with his relationships though, the only ones being any good are him and Dandelion. Why he likes Yenn and Triss is beyond me if the translated books are the only thing to draw from.
Tastes can be improved. Autism is forever. Enjoy being disabled I guess.
English is a horrible language. Why the fuck would I listen to that garbage?
I absolute love the Witcher games but I have only played through each one once. Anyone else who do not want to spoil their experience by replaying?
>thinking he wont get a cameo or play a part in ciris game
Yep confirmed retarded.
I thought it was even better the second time around
>he says while posting in English
>no u!
I didn't expect more from an inbred potato fucker
Good thing reading is not the same as listening.
>I will never be Polish
How do I handle this bros
> mfw Anna Henriettta is is a common wench compared to Empress Ciri.
>he says while playing Polish game
>Make a protagonist whose sole motivation is to reach his daughterfu
>Fail to establish their relationship at fucking all
lrn2write, Polacks. Take your donut steel SSJ2 granny fapbait and fuck off.
>"English is a horrible language!"
>b-but I didn't m-mean reading
Do you translate the words into polish in your head as your reading? Autistic Polfag BTFO.
A Polish game that has the option to change the language to English
She's explicitly described in the books as being PAINFULLY average though. She's not even meant to look "cute" let alone sexy.
Personally, I always thought Syanna was the more attractive sister.
>which no one would play if not for English dub
Also, those games are the only positive things to ever spawn from Poland, except maybe cheap work labor.
>Witcher Ciri
Fuckin dropped.
>ITT triggered Amerifats that they have no culture of their own and need to resort to consuming dumbed down culture of other, better nations
Ah, ten słodki smak bólu dupy tępych jankesów.
You didn't get the best ending? SAD!
>better nations
>need huge amounts of EU subsidy to become even remotely competitive as an economy
>potatofucker status:
>Absolutely Anally Annihilated.
Regis is more of a bro to geralt than dandelion
It's a fourth wall breaking video addressing the player directly.
There's nothing canon about it you idiots.
How do you say: stay away from my gym stinky scrawny polish manlets?
zapraszam jebać moją dziewczynę, piękny wielkoludzie!
The state of Empressfags. You do remember blood and wine ends with a 4th wall break right?
Poland is the cum dumpster of Europe.
Ból dupy tak wielki, że głupie podludzie nie umieją się nawet powtrzymać przed zarżnięciem własnego tematu jak prosiaka.
How's Ahmed treating your kike-ravaged ass?
And how's your wive's son Jamal doing?
Will we see Ciri again?
Even Poles can't argue with this
I'm pretty sure they are gay.
>squats lmao1plate with belt, pussy pad and knee wraps
>ask people if they are "fwiiiniiisheed" with equipment in their broken english and helium voices
Fuckin Poles shut the fuck up, your languege sounds terrible
regards: your friendly Finnish poster
Where is Uncle Vesemir
so the Arizona of euroland?
where are the Skellige peeps?
Can't the polish just put the refugee's in big camps and not let them out or would the EU bitch about that?
>tfw got the ciri and geralt die ending
I dont want my thrash ending up in poland
It deserves a better place
>Poland is so shitty than even the sand niggers wont live there
They took massive amounts of EU money since they became part of it.
This also means they will have to adhere to rules about human rights set down by the EU
Well EU would definitely bitch less about that then Poland closing their borders
>taking in ahmed and jamal
>a good thing
All that pic does is show that Polish outsmart you.
It's like that Sup Forums paradox, where they claim that "Jews are inferior" but at the same time "Jews rule the world". If they were inferior, they wouldn't be ruling the world, that's what the paradox here is, and same logic can be applied to the picture with Poland.
a sovereign nation doesn't have to do anything for international gangsters.
>I love the smell of Jewish, Nigger and Sandnigger cum leaking from my asshole in the morning
>le edgy racist comment
You will take all the EU money, but when it becomes time to man up and split the pain of a crisis, you say no.
This has nothing to do with being smart, more with being an untrustworthy partner.
>ciri should become empress despite the fact that she doesn't want to do it and has none of the exposure, experience or training needed to rule an empire.
Literally why would she be a good ruler at all?
The refugees wont come near the shit hole that is Poland. Even a large number of Polacks are moving to Scandinavia as cheap work force because their own country sucks.
> waking up with Yennefer teasing you every morning
is Geralt the luckiest man ever lived?
A sovereign nation? What are you on about? How would you like EU banning the sale to and from Poland? Your goddamn country would be in shambels
He dies no matter what decision you take
>I love fucking my uggo brother Dmitri in the ass every day before milking the 3 legged cow and harvesting my potato crop
>Pole cant handle the bantz
>3rd game in series skyrockets studio from AA to AAA status literally overnight
>become one of the most culturally significant exports from Poland that you get government funding you are so important to them
>3rd game also has game segments where you play as Ciri with witcher-esque mechanics
>CDPR has changed their mind 4 seperate times since the games launch going from "never happening" to "maybe but are done with geralts story" to "just not anytime soon." in a calendar year.
Nah probably not.
It's hilarious that the brits left EU. Most of the other developed EU countries would do the same if the population had to vote.
It doesn't make us an "untrustworthy partner" when we refuse to have our rectum ravaged by Schlomo, Jamal and Ahmed.
We've got nothing against good EU reforms that benefit everyone, but the immigrant subhuman infestation is to nobody's benefit, not our's and not yours. Blame your shitty subhuman leaders controlled by their kike overlords for allowing this to happen to you and don't try to shit the blame on people like us that want nothing to do with it.
You reap what you sow.
Wrong country, not that uneducated Jamal-Ahmed crossbreed like you would know.