

annoying shit all bethesda games do

pc version defaulting to any plugged in controller unless you specifically turn it off

Other urls found in this thread:

Disabling keyboard wile controler in.

>playing on windowed mode
>alt tab to do something
>alt tab back
>default cursor changes into OS cursor
>every time you move the mouse it leaves the window

>Bethesda games don't allow seamless use of kb+m and a controller at the same time, instead having to be changed through the clunky menu system everytime
a fucking modder fixed this, you have no excuse bethesda

>tab out
>tab back in
>black screen

>cant tab back
>crl+alt+del doesn't work
>manual pc reset required

you gotta tab back around again.

yeah its that obtuse, but c'mon, who else would do this?

>close game
>crashes and freezes computer, have to hard reset

These faggots really can't seem to figure out video games.

Preorder now on Bethesda Creation Clubâ„¢

Playing a Bethesda game on PC.
You made the mistake why bitch?

>Higher then 60fps
>physics engine takes a shit

Litterly how dose fps effect the game?

>playing a shooter with a controller
>playing a buggy mess without no clip

u mean the same practice From Software does? really activates my almonds

>Playing a Bethesda game without console commands

because they know that dark souls is unplayable on a keyboard and mouse

Put little to no detail to character design and Uninspired questlines, even the bard's college was go to x cave, kill skellingtons, get x item.

>download very simple mod
>game starts to crash often

>browser open on second screen
>use mousewheel ingame to scroll through menu
>website starts scrolling

Ok so this happens to other people as well.
>tfw the game cursor and OS cursor are both on screen but in different places.

Some game engines use variable frame time to determine physics and animation updates because their authors are retarded. It's an old trick that only ever worked on standardized systems, such as consoles. On systems with widely varying hardware, such as PC, you need a consistent time delta.

This has been a lingering issue with Gamebryo games ever since its inception. Bethesda never managed to implement a fixed timestep even though it's as simple as this:

Consoles have them now.
There is literally no reason to play a Bethesda game on PC.

>playing a Bethesda game unmodded

Have different controls on games in the same series
Make a 2006 game where you don't jump with space

>There is literally no reason to play a Bethesda game on PC
Consoles don't have loli futa sex mods.

Except for mods.
And without those, there's no reason to play a Bethesda game. Period.

>superior controls
>higher frame rate

>tab out
>tab in
>fifty/fifty on whether it crashes or not

Worst 3 factions?
>Bard's College
>Thieve's Guild
>College of Winterhold

True consoles have them, in fact they have all of them especially the ones you haven't payed for and have no access to.

>bethesda releases modding software for game
>try to make a mod
>the modding software is so fucking laborious and onerous to figure out how to use, and even set up properly in the first place, that you just quit trying to make a mod because you aren't autistic enough to bother figuring it out

>any game superior on consoles ever

I thought the fighters guild knockoff was the worst faction in the game.

run on Gamebryo

I'm convinced that anyone who can't figure out how a Bethesda construction set works is more retarded than my 14-year-old self 15 years ago. And I was pretty retarded.

>Tfw after 10 hours of modding you get your 200 esp + enb game just right with out crashes.

Its not the creation kit so much as all the external software that you also have to set up to use with the creation kit. I have to use 10 year old havoc-whatever bullshit to create new animations for fallout 4, all of the plugins for the software have to be exact correct year in order for all the files to compile correctly or wahtever, a good bit of the software isn't even downloadable online, you have to browse obscure threads from years ago for a download link and thats IF rot link hasn't set in already (which it often has). Or if you want to try fuckign around with scripts, you have to have an external editor to edit scripts with, but trying to get the external editor to work with the creation kit software is basically like sucking a dick but the dick is as big as a redwood tree. it even seems as though the game didn't download all of the files I need to mod with, and it should have, so even after redownloading I still cant find the shit I need to edit a simple fucking fucked 20-line papyrus script and have creationkit read it. Its fucking cancer to make a mod if its anything but the simplest bullshit.

The worst thing about the Companions is the same issue I can say about most of the game; they are poorly presented to the player.
>big important faction
>1 base of operations
>but they operate all over Skyrim

What I can say about the Companions is that their quest is its simple and straight forward. This is unlike these three other factions where they all promise a lot and deliver very little, with the Bard's College involving no barding, the Mage College involving very little magic and the worst offender the Thieve's Guild having the abaolute worst plot out of anything in Skyrim. You can call everything else out as stupid but the Thieve's Guild is absolute retardation, it's the king of shit mountain and its really forced on the player to an obnoxious degree like they were so proud of it.

>do literally anything