Hello Sup Forums
Im trying to build a decent pc for around 400-500 bucks but all these nvidia cards are really expensive.
Ive heard its because of people using them for bitcoin mining or something.
my question is how long untill the prices drop, and when they do will it be significant?
Hello Sup Forums
>Im trying to build a decent pc for around 400-500
If you want "decent" aka above 1080p 60fps in everything you will need about $700-800 and if youre lucky find spare or old parts if you know someone else whos into PC building.
Why are you telling me this?
Shit meant for OP my bad man
Save up you fucking faggot
Yeah..better keep walking, bitch
If you're poor, stick to consoles.
How can anyone here really know how long until prices drop? Soon enough the craze will die down. Nvidia cards are generally more expensive than AMD cards, but they tend to stay ahead when it comes to performance too.
Also, if you are trying to build "a decent PC for 400 bucks", if you really plan to use that for video games, just go buy a console instead. A PC is more of a long term investment, you wanna put some good money into it, build something decent to last as long as it can, not something you just buy the cheapest of and have it "just work", if you go in with that mentality you'll build a pc that will be shit in 2 years and complain that consoles are better.
Fuck off
stop being poor
500 shekelbucks is not enough for a gaming pc no matter how you slice it.
Face it faggot.
>decent pc for around 400-500 bucks
>buy all parts second hand
>buy parts a discounted price
>use parts from old builds
There I just built a pc that outperforms a console for $300-$400
I COULD buy a ps4 pro and get a shitty experience and no games.
Or i could just buy a 500 dollar pc and buy upgrades whenever im bored of 1080p60fps
Again, if you are looking for a "quick cheap build that will get you gaming with the rest of the PC Bros", you are not gonna achieve that. You cheap out, you pay the price very soon.
If you want to know what I mean, when I initially built my PC back in 2009, I put an i7-860 on it. At the time, it was kind of an expensive CPU, the kind you'd never get. Now, here we are in 2017 and that CPU is still holding up. I'll upgrade it soon for the games that are too CPU intensive and mostly to get a newer motherboard with latest gen CPU, but my point is that CPU lasted me 8 years, where if I had bought the cheapest CPU that "just worked" to stay in a very tight budget, I'd be surely running into problems like 3 years down the line.
Consoles are the thing for you.
Okay, do that then.
Buy things only when they're on sale or open box special*
*you'll be waiting months before you finally get all the parts together, hopefully that time is worth the $100 you saved instead of just making what you wanted now
Just buy a console/Xbox One X.
Building a 2017 gaming PC is one huge money pit. Everything is so overpriced compared to ten years ago.
See how you want to spend $500 on a PC? Why not save up and wait longer and spend a bit more? $700? $900? I really don't get why keep a low budget "because I can upgrade in the future". We both know you'll just end up having to trash the entire computer because everything will feel too old when the time comes for an "upgrade".
And then you have an already outdated frankenstein of a pc that's barely more powerfull than a console. congrats.
stop being poor
ill wait another month and bump up the price to 700 dollar pc
what should i get?
youre a fucking idiot
a potato pc is better than a console since at least then i could play good games with outdated graphics.
How low will the 1070 and ram drop, now it's like 450$ in the card and 130$ in ram, will they drop now that cryptocurrencies are less profitable?
>$700 PC
>I can build a PC for cheap.
>Just buy burnout videocards sold by miners.
>Just have the parts already.
Besides being stupid, never buy used gpus or cpu, that's just asking for trouble.
ok fuck off
Why? If you aren't going to future-proof your PC (i.e. spend at LEAST $1250 on parts), why not just get a console and be done with it
your only choice is buying used parts
Cheapest way to build a pc now is to buy a prebuilt with the gpu you want and them take it out and sell the rest of the pc and keep the gpu for the custom build you want because prebuilts with these in demand gpus aren't super overpriced like the individual gpu's are if you were to buy one.
E.g. an rx 580 goes for like $500 now but there are whole rx 580 prebuilts for $500 which is a way cheaper investment so you can just sell the remaining components for like $300 and end up with a net spend of like $200