Play Skyrim

Play Skyrim.

I did. 6 years ago.


If you post Sabas, I post Yuih elf.

People don't honestly find this appealing? R-Right?


>install mods for half a day.
>play game for 30 min
>get bored

death by snu snu

Why was Yuih posted right after Sabas the last time too? Is it really a newborn potential collab?


dude if a girl with that a pretty face and that a RIPPING body and she was /into/ you?... you would mang, you would

Story of my life.

I will if you link me some loli companion mods

I don't know, but this elf would look cute with Sabas'es cock inside.

i hope thats not a pirated copy haha

Can I buy these toons on the Creation Club?

Everyone looks cute when Sabas-chan shoves her donkey cock inside them.
But do you have a link for Yuih gallery?

Stop making human/elf characters

I wish I did, I mostly saves picture from these threads. Post more Sabas.

>blue human with tail and scales
kk, user

Post some cute ____feet.

>no helicopter nude mods

I already did

We post vampire futas!

is it just me or is her head too small?

Is this the kind of autism that's usually contained to /vg/? That is fucking terrifying.

>elder scrolls now lacks so much depth and challenge players have to stuff it with with fetish mods more and more with every game to stay interested

what happened todd?

The funny thing is, all these images are from mod pages, so the people who post it everyday don't even have Skyrim installed and modded like this, lmao.


Why would a reptile have breasts?



go on...

Yes and? We just appreciate the beauty. But you user, you must play!

go back to /vg/ muscles no one likes you

tfw no cute argonian gf to squeeze tits with

>No mainstream streaming sites allow pornographic content, so you cant stream modding Skyrim

Why live


neck yourself fucking degenerate

Yuih and Sabas collab WHEN?

>You will never own a harem of argonian slaves to breed every day

Reminder than this woman is 9 feet tall and would destroy you with her donkey dick that she hides with illusion magic!

egg sacs

>implying I don't want to spend my days running my fingers through their feathers

I'm getting familiar vibes from this thread.

>install skyrim and mod it with the bare minimal I want to actually play with
>try to enter a city
>fix some things
>can enter city, but then crash on trying to enter a house
>fuck it, I'l just run around in the outside
>take a few steps
Jesus Christ no matter what I do this game is more unstable than a single parent home.

That seems fun, just spend the day with two ladies at your sides, arms wrapped around them, another resting her bosom on your shoulder behind you, and a fourth one resting her head against your crotch



Stop making beast race characters.

My favourite thread. Please post most realistic human women of all ages.

>stop making non-skeleton characters



I'm trying to install dem' lovers lab mods rn, but some of em' are acting weird.

Egg-bearing hips


Played it for an hour once at a friend's house 5 years ago, I didn't really care for it. I don't get the appeal of Elder Scrolls games.

What mods do you all like to use to make the game more fun?
There is so much out there I don't know where I should start.

>there are people who DIDN'T marry Lydia

How do I make my game like this? What are the arcane modding rituals to make this a reality?

what are the good big titty mods?
loverslab isn't sorted properly and there's a shitload of diapers, vore and futa threads.

elder scroll games have always been garbage
>muh depth
morrowind skills were the dumbest fucking shit ever, especially with the way the 5X multipliers worked has good guides that cover pretty much everything essential

This game requires two-three mods that serve as fixes to stop game from crashing. Look up some guides.


I'm gonna need an uncensored version or a link to the rest of the set, my good man.

From another thread:
Ordinator or SPERG - for perks.

For melee:
Ultimate Combat 3.0
TK Dodge 3.0
Attack Commitment or Mortal Enemies

For Archery:
Nock to Tip
Archery Gameplay Overhaul

For Magic:
Apocalypse Magic
Forgotten Magic
Colorful Magic

For AI:
Combat Evolved
Revenge of the Enemies
Ultimate Dragons


So where is that rumored donkey dick Sabas is supposed to be packing?
Dont leave a brother hanging.

Check /aco/, someone snatched her image hosting account and got some pictures before she deleted the lewd stuff from there.

Big tits are just CBBE/UNP body mods with bodyslide


Ight niggas. Post what weird mods you use in your skyrim. The generic loverslab shit doesn't count, I mean the more out there shit.
>Fill her up
cum inflation mod
>Mana tanks
Boobs scale with the characters current mana (using spells = shrinking, letting it regen = growing)

Wish all the sexlab mods worked nicely with all the gameplay mods, so I don't have to choose between them. My game starts to lag with all those scripts.

Why hide the dick?

No thanks Todd

So it can be a surprise.

Would honestly rather play with Rape mods combined with Female Schlongs of Skyrim m8

I want to have consensual hand holding with lydia while she wears that helmet.

>keep saying I'll only mod Skyrim after I beat the base game
>got sick of the base game after 14 hours
What exactly do people see in this game?

Where the FUCK is the porn

I might get some hate for this but reddit has mod installing guides that include some applications needed for a stable game instance with file reliance, sort order, etc... Just google search it


I am.

>What exactly do people see in this game?
Nothing vanilla wise, you could rush through it.

It was babbies first "RPG". Dumb and bland enough for the normies to understand and a massive advertising budget.

why does no one make high elf waifus

Give it a shot. Post results.

>started up a non-porn runthrough of skyrim
>fill it with difficulty mods and permazones to make it challenging
>start out in sinderion's lab in blackreach
>use disparity so it's not impossible
>everything one shots me
>invisible falmer stalking me constantly
spookiest stealth game I played in a while

Fuck off. We have for a reason you filthy pleb.

>That leaked horsecock picture on tes /aco/

Life is good.

high elves are the hardest one in this game to make a cute waifu without going "human with pointy ears" like most elf waifus are.
It takes a rare talent to combine a nice looking waifu while keeping it lore friendly with the typical Altmer look.

I like mountains and streams and stone buildings and waterfalls. I want to live in Markath!

I have avoided skyrim like the plague. I will play it right this instant if someone can show me how to play as this character.

>right this instant
It'll take you a week to mod everything needed to get the bare minimum for a character like this.
More than a month to fix the graphics/gameplay/world around her as well.

Markarth has literally the worst people

Just post her dick already

*charges false crimes agaisnt you*
Bad luck buddy, looks like you'll be spending your days in the mine.

I have no idea how people make such cute faces.

nah, but you can pin me down and have your way with me...