>u-underage b&!!!!
Yeah.. Im on a exam month so I really dont care tho
Only underage don't post nintendo.
1988 mutha fuckas
One of my favorite games
No video game has been released on year 1513.
Final Fantasy VIII
Donkey Kong 64
Unreal Tournament
Pokémon Gold/Silver
It wasn't really a good year for gaming
I miss my PC Engine.
Sup Forums is dead desu
Friendly reminder that Summer is endless.
Mah nigga
Too late, user. Prepare for your anus to be lynched by red text
The only good C&C game.
>one image post due in 10 minutes
>still wasting time shitposting
>tfw I'm almost 30 years old
I should be planning my suicide soon
This game came out 19 years ago
Sonic the hedgehog 2
Wolfenstein 3D
Mortal Kombat
Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis
Final Fantasy V
Metroid II: The Return of Samus
Pretty gud year
Fuck off
You will never be on my level.
Max Payne :)
Babby pls. It's a school day. Get off Sup Forums
>one of my favorite games on the system
>years later some flaming faggot that can't into landing calls it bad
>his army of underage fans therefore declare it's a bad game
Thank you James, you made me the true angy nintendo nerd.
school starts on tuesday
>killing yourself just before becoming a wizard and gaining knowledge that is way beyond anything normies can think of
Yoshi's Island
You've got 3 day weekend homework. Get to it.
Super Mario Sunshine
Sonic 2
Why are you on an over 18 website?
He is not me and my school already started, also I have a stoichiometric calculus test tomorrow
What a time to be alive
About to be 21 in November. Any games to play while drunk?
NA or Jap release date?
Your favorite game.
But user, I want to play games with friends like you!
Took me about 10 minutes to figure out what to use.
This series made up my childhood.
Actually no it starts today. But I'm going to uni this year ;)
And it's a year late because I suck.
good game. Tad overrated though
finally old enough to browse Sup Forums!
*shakes cane*
it was a good year.
fellow 97babby
>all these old people
Sup Forums is a place for teenagers, like me.
the absolute last good year to be born in
Mega Man 3.
Half-Life 1
that's a console not a video game
Gugu gaga?
>Tfw everyone in the thread is 1-2 years older than you or like 7-8 years younger
There is no place for me here.
>Data mining thread
Mortal Kombat II
Pretending to be underage is a ban, just report him and we'll have one-less shit poster for a while.
Guuugly gagu!
>All unusable data to any legitimate research facility due to inability to verify truth.
Don't post about shit you know nothing about.
Sonic CD
One of my top 10 favourite games got released in my birthyear, neat
Mah nigga
>Every year, you see more and more games posted in these types of threads that disgust you.
When has someone officially been here too long? Where do I go after this?
>tfw I haven't even played this one
/vr/ is nice. Sup Forums is also good for some nostalgia or /toy/.
i shall join you as well
>Where do I go after this?
I honestly don't know anymore.
/vr/ is literally /v2/ nowadays it's just as shitty as Sup Forums is with the sole difference of moving at 1/10th of the pace Sup Forums does.
Dune 2
who 1992 here
i failed you, user
was born in 1994
enjoy your ban
1998 was better
We 92 here.
>inb4 newfag
Dragon Seeds.