Western character design
I'm going to buy 5 copies of this game for my friends simple because of how butthurt Sup Forums will be when it succeeds and gets amazing reviews. so fuck off. its less than a days work for me to afford that so idc.
>Western characters: sensible, practical, realistic. focused on their role in the story and not trying to pander
>Japanese characters: pandering nonsense attempting to appeal to sex starved virgins
Fuck this game, I love the outsider why do I want to kill him
Sweet I always wanted to play a half black, half asian homo
Is that the assassin that betrays in the Knife of Dunwall dlc?
Why does this board get so fucking worked up at the sight of black people?
Daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with race mixing.
Look dude you don't need to sell us on Japanese characters
why western devs dont know how to make cute characters?
>I'm going to buy 5 copies to spite u haha :)
this is the dumbest "argument" i see all the time and no you're not going to buy 5 copies of the same shitty game
>start up XCOM 2
>tutorial mission has a black guy and white girl
>these are my only two units
Why does every game feature black males and white females in leading roles? Is this some progressive movement? Dishonored 2 in particular fuses them both into an ugly creature that no one can relate to.
Don't forget to also subscribe to and buy a black dildo while you are it. Those pesky racists from Sup Forums would absolutely hate you for it!
this has nothing to do with she being black
post yfw Billie becomes the new Outsider
You are proof of what's wrong with it.
It's full of emotionally 12 year old people and actual 12 year olds.
>minorities are now the majority
>focused on their role in the story and not trying to pander
Yeah maybe 5 years ago
what part of "for my friends" got past your head. some people have money. i bought 5 copies of Rising Storm 2 for my friends and that isn't even the first time I've been generous with my money. Communism, you should try it, its good for everyone
This is the most retarded post ever
>communist spending his daddy money
Why I'm not surprised. What country are you from anyway?
3 out of the 4 Dishonored games/DLC have been starring white people, one installment has a black person and suddenly they're the majority?
West has NEVER liked cute characters much, if at all.
Wait, what's this thread about?
Damn, that's an ugly protag.
is it illegal for black women to be attractive on mainland US?
>I'm going to waste MY money
>I bet you're butthurt now
>implying we care about a fucking videogame
Faggot, there's more important things than caring about the character in a videogame being an animal
Billie is ~50 years old, her being kawaii uguuu would've been as retarded as this thread.
>that hooded guy from assassin's creed
So, all of them?
Games are pushing in "PoC" characters for the sake of having them. You instantly get the buy of a bunch of "culturally conscious" college types for adding the token black wimin in your game. It's like somebody patting themselves on the back and going on about how great they are for giving a homeless guy five dollars or some shit. Not a perfect comparison obviously but you get the idea. They're practically making a race a trend with this shit. People are going to look back on this decade and see all the token "diverse" characters and it's going to date awfully. Devs just need to be genuine. There's so much wrong with this but it's basically instant gratification for the reddit/tumblr types.
this is the projecting of a poorfag neet. I work for a living and make excellent money, I'm about to buy my own 1 million dollar house in one of the most expensive cities in the US and I'm only 26, mad jelly or what?
Oh dear
Preferred the old design
13% of the population
56% of all violent crime and the second primary beneficiaries of affirmative action after women so unqualified blacks get spots in jobs and schools that could have went to someone more qualified. Leading carriers and spreaders of disease, drive the national average of academic scores down, the largest consumers of welfare in proportion to the population. Leading minority demographic for the Democrat Party, whom are ruining the country
Other than that, not much
The nigger is billie? What happen
It's weird, because western cartoons have fucking great girls all the time
she is just f* ugly
Why do you care so much that there are less white characters than there used to be? Does it really bother you that much?
>I'm a 12 year old roleplaying on the internet
Good for you, sweetie. Be sure to not stay up too late, it's a school night.
I cannot bring myself to being "jelly" of someone I don't even know, even if you were saying the truth, that's not how it works.
Good for you, though. About the house I mean, not the corrupt ideology.
yet she has no wrinkles, but has all that shit done to her face just to make her ugly, if it were a male character they would have made the scarring and gem-thing look "cool"
They're playing a vicious game of "catch-up". Shoving all this diversity into the front because the vast majority of already existing games have white or non-human protagonists. If they could, they would probably make entire games with nothing at all but POC because to them, having even 1 more white guy sets back any progress they try to make by adding more to the existing ocean of white guys in games.
at least japanese games try to create unique settings, even if they fail.
western games just make a Tolkien setting and add homos.
>itt: insecure whitebois
>jealous of the statistically the most violent, dumbest, poorest, and most diseased race in the country
You know that almost all of those things are a direct result of the extensive amount of poverty in American black communities, which is a direct result of them being treated as subhumans for the vast majority of our country's history, right?
I mean yeah things have gotten better for them, but slavery and segregation were a real thing and those two things were the absolute primary cause of the perpetual culture of poverty, which is a direct cause of the crime/welfare use/academic struggles. Go ahead and keep thinking it's somehow a genetic problem or something despite "black" referring to an immensely diverse amount of gene pools, many of which are closer to white people than other blacks.
>ugly creature that no one can relate to.
what about black women
>You know that almost all of those things are a direct result of the extensive amount of poverty in American black communities
"I work for a living" gave it away too soon OP, the bait could've gone on longer if you had the know-how
Yeah that's why he didn't specify a name
>inb4 white features
What a wasted fucking chance. We could have had a sassy fat black woman assassin. Instead we get this edgy cunt.
I wanna see Labeetcha jumping from roof to fucking roof, chomping down on a super size burger before flattening some poor guardsman. "Mmmhmmm. That's whatcha' get!"
but it does look cool
Maybe I'm some ess jay double hew cuck or whatever but I think characters can still look cool even if they're brown or have a vagina
I don't care that there are less white characters. I hate that devs are doing it for the good karma points.
>"look guys we got the stereotypical strong black woman that dont need to man as our protagonist. Aren't we just the most socially conscious devs on the block? Haha and don't forget! Punch a nazi!"
>"Gee wizz these guys are really on the right side of history! Truly progressive!"
I couldn't care less if the main protagonist is a mentally disabled negroid child bound to a wheelchair if there wasn't the current political atmosphere of disingenuous post-modern who would instantly get on there knees and suck off devs just for having that be the main protagonist. It's all of the sudden racist to be against using characters of color as commodity items to bump up some metacritic points in your game and as a little free advertisement due to the game being circulated through shitholes like reddit and buzzfeed for being so "ahead of history" or whatever.
>thinking any women, black or otherwise, actually play videogames
damn ... imagine being such a butthurt neet that you have to pretend everyone else on this website is as behind in life as you are ...
What would you say is the reason black communities have struggled with poverty since the second they were dumped off of boats in shackles then? Because they're "lazy"? Because they're "subhuman"? Only a brainlet would unironically fall for reconstruction-era racist propaganda, so for your sake I hope that's not the case.
> I hate that devs are doing it for the good karma points.
Why does that bother you? You still have the option of not playing it.
Maybe if you left Sup Forums once in a while then you would realise that there are people in this world outside of sad lonely racist virgins like you and the vast nebulous, vapid "normies" you imagine everyone else would be if you ever spoke to them
>Put a black woman into your games because maybe it would be interesting to do something different
>Edgelord white kids on the internet start pearl clutching and manufacturing strawmen about devs that they can bitch about
Really makes you think
Lel, wealthy blacks still commit more crime than poorer whites. it's literally in the FBI crime statistics. Blacks are animals regardless of their financial background
>What would you say is the reason black communities have struggled with poverty since the second they were dumped off of boats in shackles then? Because they're "lazy"?
You should always disapprove of things like hypocrisy and insincerity in general.
Video games are escapism.
No need to remind us of the existence of niggs 24/7. It's like a vidya featuring these useless weekly corporate meetings.
Even in Dishonored 1 her character art looked like that. I'm guessing they couldn't model it that way in-game.
My buddy's wife plays with us all of the time, she's pretty damn good at shooters too. My gf is much more casual but she enjoys things that don't require too much mechanical precision. I think you might need to leave your apartment and find some friends user.
Egad! She's almost as ugly as several male protagonists that Sup Forums's never had a problem with!
>believing statistics from biased government systems with deeply ingrained racism
Whites are the primary consumer of videogames. The US is still a majority white country and not only that but when devs do this retarded shit, that represented demographic still doesn't buy more of the product so now you've effectively alienated your established base and have nothing new to replace it. Look at Marvel to see how retarded this is
>all Sup Forums is just complaining about everything including what skin color a mc in a game you can't see them is
eternal september
at least billie lurk is a real character, and she doesn't have the stupid fucking afro that all these black women seem to have
would still rather play as Daud, because he's simply the best, but Billie is alright
And here we go, into delusion
>You're wrong BECAUSE
Thanks for letting me know you lost
Because they make characters with personality, not lifeless dolls.
I suppose the issue is that because there's a concerted effort to add brown and gay and female people into everythng, the blowback from the right ends up accusing every single non white straight male character of being added with some ulterior motive.
Like, it's entirely possible for a lot of these characters that devs just wanted to put them in because they thought they were cool character designs, but that is largely indistinguishable from the "evil sjws" adding women and blacks because they want to look non-racist.
Because Sup Forums flips out when it isn't japanese
There's absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy. You can't tell someone to just be quiet about something they don't like, especially if the reasoning is justified
I'm white and have absolutely no problem with non-white people being protagonists in games. I guess I just have better shit to spend my time worrying about, idk
lol look at this weeb having a melt down
>I'm white and [...]
You lost me
>it's literally in the FBI crime statistics
>But I won't post a link, so just take my word for it
Damn...can't argue with that...
Except the interviews from the creators usually include statements that these characters are created solely to have a non-white character
>I'm white
wanna know how I don't believe you?
And what's wrong with that? Why is white the default to you when globally, they're a minority.
Keep up with what I'm saying, buddy. These decisions are going to have a cultural footprint. In maybe 5 years people will be fed up with this trend and then people who genuinely want a black character or whatever will be met with criticism outside of just anonymous basketweaving image boards. There will be a larger backlash as time progresses.
If you want to do something different, write an interesting character. If simply changing the default gender and color makes a character interesting to you, you are easily impressed. A character like John Marsten or James Sunderland are infinitely more interesting than these 2 dimensional static token black characters because they actually have effort in their writing.. CJ from San Andreas wasn't interesting because he was black but rather because he was a fun character. He wasn't made simply to pander to Reddit.
Ugh, das nasty
I don't care. In fact, I prefer games that don't even have human leads to begin with. I want more robots and weird stuff.
>it's a Sup Forums has autism and can't play as anything other than a character that's the same as them
>And what's wrong with that?
You're a lost cause.
ree etc
>CJ from San Andreas wasn't interesting