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Is this trash playable yet?
It's become abandonware
I want a futa floran gf
Is that a Starbound? I'm sorry I didn't seen any screens for god knows long.
>no way to get into the middle rooms except by jumping up and down floors
>short-ass random crane on the roof incapable of moving the boxes anywhere or having any reason to exist at all since there's no landing zone for it to load/unload onto nearby
>dish pointing straight into the floor of the hardly supported bedroom
>backdoor leads right into the water with no walkway or anything built over it
>poorly lit funnel into the basement
>having a two-floor elevator in a three-floor building instead of just aligning everything so it crosses each floor with an auxiliary stairwell/shaft in case of power running out
>one bed in what is clearly a multi-person operation
>no sign outside the building as well
>no self-defense guns, cyclops cat ghost about to fuck your shit up
>weeb planet
Nice try, OP, but no.
>ruin hylotl by making her fat
what, they're still putting out updates
i want to fuck all the races
That's not fat, though?
Actually just had a 14 hour Starbound fiesta. Managed to unplug myself and stumbled upon this .
It's surprising playable now with Workshop support
Kek at no bj
>m-mods fix it
Confirmed trash.
Entirely playable without mods. Dare I say currently more enticing than Terraria
If you're going to shitpost, make it believable.
To each his own I suppose
I don't believe you. I think you might be lying.
It only beats Terraria when it comes to building settlements.
What, are they actually still working on this shit?
I find the experience more cohesive, since it sticks to the theme of space. Meanwhile, Terraria is all over the fantasy spectrum.
Also: Starbound looks better.
>tfw you didn't back Starblunder
where's gass?
This is true, though Frackin Universe makes the game a lot better.
It's a great game now. Was shit before
I can't even be assed to think of something witty to say
Rethink your life
How much of it was idling on the client?
It would be a lot better if it wasn't fucking impossible to find the exact planet you want and when you do the star system's named some stupid shit like Tiyuri Redditron that you need to see whenever you warp back to it.
Why don't you have all the achievements yet, ya dingus?
that's not a question
As someone who's played several hundred hours of Terraria, there just isn't enough to entice me to play further in Starbound. The main story is the same thing over and over. The combat is piss poor too. I'm not trying to hate, I'd love to play a new fresh Terraria but like what the fuck is there to do? I explore a new planet and it's the same thing repeated. Digging down is boring as all hell.
t. Patty McGregor
how many hours a day do you put into developing FU
Jesus Christ this thread actually made me update this trash and it's just screen tearing for days.
How do you have that many hours and not all the achievements?
making any character fat makes them better though
Still has more people playing than Rising Storm 2 lmao
that's the profile from the Frackin Universe dev
What's Fracking Universe?
Big overhaul mod for Starbound. Like the only one it has worth a damn.
What does it do that could possibly make Starbound worth it?
Nothing. It's all just fluff and bloat.
I don't think you understand what abandonware is
Take a look for yourself. I've never used it personally - was going to use it for my last playthrough, but it just looked like a whole heap of chaff and systems I didn't want to bother with.
It introduces some interesting stuff but dear god the crafting system is just bloated to the point where making even the most basic shit can be incredibly obnoxious.
>no bj
>*REEEs externally*
When does school start, junior?
Look at her waste you stupid potatoenigger
Goodness gracious, this
For those who haven't played it I'm gonna break down how to make a Nuclear Core - a crafting component most end-game armour, weapons and tools use
8 lead, which you can mine. Easy enough
2 advanced circuit, which you can make out of
>2 circuit board, which requires you to craft
silicon, which can be extracted from sand 50:1
copper wire, which you make out of copper bars
>1 graphene, which you make out of
carbon plate which you require
> carbon, extracted from 10 coal
> lead
methanol, extracted from 10 wood
iodine, extracted from caliche stone on desert planets
So that's two components out of the way. Next you need 3 Unstable Particles, which require
>2 Neptunium rod, which can be forged from Neptunium ore. Easy
>Magnesium powder, extracted from magnesium
>3 Helium, which can be extracted from moondust 50:1 or just gathered wholesale if you're lucky to find a gas planet with a helium layer and are prepared to create a 7000 block tower to get back to the surface
>2 Deuterium, centrifued from 500:1 water
30 Helium
1 Advanced Processor, which requires
>2 circuit boards
>1 tungsten bar
And all that shit is to create a regular basic crafting component. Many other more complicated recipies require ludicriously hard-to-get materials, or genes of plants for which you require a big fuck off farm, spending time mixing up plant DNA to create other, more advanced plants. Then you need to remember which plants give which gene.
It's just a big, complicated mess
See, I feel if I don't get it, the game will feel barren and boring, which I mean it is, but
If I do get it, it'll be way too much, and a hassle. Is there anything else like it?
You would have to overhaul so many parts of the game to make it good, it'd be easier to just make a new game.
It's a real fucking shame, because Terraria in Space seems like an easy concept to make work.
>I find the experience more cohesive
I just started on a spaceship
With a high tech matter manipulator
A flashlight
Terraria is far more cohesive because dicking around looking for ores to smelt in a furnace to make tools on an Anvil at least fits the general theme.