ITT games that exist

ITT games that exist

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this thread only works if you post bad games

Steel Diver
Code Name STEAM
Chibi-Robo Zip Lash


And what great games both were too.

But that game was good and fun. I wish there was a sequel that came to America

The second one is even better.
The only Pokemon games I've ever enjoyed.

Been a translation for it forever, more of the same with a couple more sets of cards and a story.

Zero Time Dilemma
The other versions of YS4 & 5
The. Third. Birthday.


Mole 3 & Knuckles was better.

That game was great! Did you have trouble getting through gyms or something?

Was there anything to do once you beat the gyms? It felt painfully short but maybe I missed a bunch of shit as a kid

>The Third Birthday

Imagine making a game so unbelievably shitty that the author of the book the others were a sequel too straight up refuses to let you renew the rights becuase he knows it's that bad.

What the fuck were they thinking?

I found this cartridge at a park sandbox as a kid. Hated the game though.

why yes, it does exist.

good thread.

and it's genuinely good

the duel masters games are decent too

Was the sequel ever fully translated?

yes, go play it


I was just thinking that the older attempts at making a TCG into a video game seem to have been more fun/successful than modern attempts to get people to buy digital cards.

That had Shandalar or whatever as its single player mode didn't it?
That game was the best MTG game.

Yup. There's been a 2015 updated version floating around for a while. Works on modern OS, has all (legal) cards and rules up to 2015, improved computer AI, and a lot less fucking bugs.

I still own this game, I think. I should dig it out of my closet and play it again. I don't remember anything about it anymore, but I know it was fun.

MtG is coming out with another game called Magic The Gathering: Arena on the 7th. They gave no details about it other than it's release date. No one knows if it''s a card game or a MOBA. Kind of excited but I know that it's Wizards and they'll just let me down again.

That's because modern TCG releases try for the DLC booster pack method, whereas GBC Pokémon gave you every card available at the time.

Huh, thats like the only good spinoff pokemon game

Weren't the Mystery Dungeon games good?

I'm aware, but not gonna get my hopes up it is anything as satisfying as Shandalar.

Right. Yugioh and the MTG game I posted did the same, though the MTG game did get 2 minor expansions that added more cards and 'tried' to fix issues people were having.

Some dude from lebbit said he heard some investor's meeting for the game and not once were mentioned stuff like boosters or cards. Might be another stupid shit like Puzzle Quest.

Don't all games exist though?

It has a sequel too. Best OST on the Gameboy. There is no comparison.

They made a killing on that mobile game they made. Wouldn't surprise me if it was something like that.

How come all the good Pokemon games are spinoffs? Why does mainline exist?

God this song will never stop making feel nostalgia.

This game is fucking amazing, I wish there were more card games like it instead of f2p p2w garbage

you'd like to think that, wouldn't you?

God is dead, and we killed him...

What could pawsibly go wrong?

You know, I distinctly remember when I was a kid, around a year after Crystal came out, I saw two new pokemon games being advertised on the TVs at Target. Pokemon Black and Pokemon Purple. I was so excited for them to come out because I didn't recognize the mascot pokemon and was ready for the next gen pokemon games. I don't know what the fuck it was and I never saw another advertisement for it again. I'm almost certain it wasn't a dream since I can remember it pretty clearly even 15 years later.

I'd like to think this place isn't infested with underage kiddies but I think it's undeniable at this point

You want a thread about shovelware

Is there a more op card than Bill?

Using real money is optional in Pokemon TCG Online, just play in tournaments and trade the packs you get

To give the spinoffs ideas

Because for the longest time they'd print free money simply by the games being released. They didn't really have to do anything besides the actual legwork because the games are mostly identical


And yet on /vp/ they complain about the games NOT being the same

Because you can't change the shallow formula of the main games or people will go fucking mad. With spin-offs, they can do whatever they want.

this is legitimately the only game ive ever completed 100%


You must live in a big city to be able to get all those pop cards or whatever they were called.

could you give me a rundown on how to patch the rom and upload it to my flashcart? i cant get it to save my progress.

Looks like Simon joined a Nu-Metal band


i dunno how i did it, this was as a kid in the early 2000s. i havent played it since 2008 or so, id guess

This game was pretty popular and well-liked though, and was even rereleased for the 3DS virtual console. It wasn't some obscure thing lost to time.

>those sound effects at the beginning
i want to go back so bad

Some more than others.

the new games should have the card game built in

They can't because the cards have a different release schedule

this desperately needs a remake or a sequel.

I miss tcg video games. They were a grindy mess no doubt, but it's the only way I can play shit like Vanguard, yugioh, or actual decks for Pokemon. Devpro isn't the same, and I know how good the PTCGO client is, but it takes forever to get something that isn't a starter deck rolling.

who fucking asked for this? this could be the best game in the series and it will still be a piece of shit.

Something wrong, loser?

I know we're begin nostalgic and all, but this actually sounds like shit lol.


I'm still surprised this exists but Survival Kids.

Just the fact that in the opening you literally just turned 10 and your "adventurous dad" gives you a fucking knife on a cruse. Then out of fucking nowhere a massive wave knocks the ship over and it sinks "without a trace" (and yet you find wreckage on the island... go figure).


>featuring original theme by Skrillex

I live in a city with around 400,000 people. I only knew one other person that had the game.


Lego Racers existed too, but it was a good game.

>hurr durr

i had this, i dont know what happened to it but i remember it being fun


this game was better than the original

lego racers was 2nd best kart racer behind diddy kong racing, n64 was a goldmine

that was a bit of a problem in the first game the only thing you could really do is grind out another copy of the legendary cards or hit up the challenge cup for more copies of promos, the second game though had the sealed fort that had decks the computer could play fairly competently and a secret tournament that only activated after you battled someone by link cable 10 or so times

Lugia was in the first card game?!?!?!

in the second

The GBC game was made after Gold and Silver, so yeah. Obviously he wasn't in the base set, but they made expansions.

I used that game to test decks before building them in real life. Did pretty well in the local tournaments because of that.



the girls in this were my first fap. i have no shame.

I really wish I had bought the "game over" dvd, it doesn't exist anywhere online, I'd kill to see those titties (easily)

>you will never go back to a pre-9/11 world

probably the ultimate lost media game

I dare anyone to find this and play it

I ripped all the videos from this and was never sure where I could post them on here (without the 17 y/o of course)

I'm legit interested to see how this turns out. Warily interested, but interested nonetheless.

i take it there aren't any isos because of the 17 year old.

it'll probably be a 6/10 at best


My local retro game shop had a copy of this in just last year. I was tempted to buy it just because it was there, but fuck that it's probably an FBI trap.

It did eventually disappear off the shelves. I wonder if they actually sold it or if it was seized by police.

I wish they'd make another one, the current TGC online "game" is trash.

It'd be neat if the rumored gen 1 remake/remaster for Switch was simply titled "Pokémon" with no subtitles.

I know we're all thinking it, but no one's ever said it out loud. 9/11 started the decline of the video game industry.

how so

Fuck Star Fox Zero. This is Miyamoto's most underrated game.